Chapter 11-Now That I Know, Where Are We At?

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-----------(Sierra's pov)---------------------

I put all of my shopping bags into the car trunk after Simrit. It was still on my mind.

Do I like him?

As I thought about it more and more. The answer became clearer and clearer. I was almost 100 percent sure that I didn't like him. But there was a very small part of me that told me that I did like him. I just couldn't think straight. Maybe some sleep would clear up my mind. As I was about to close my eyes to fall asleep in the car, I felt a very small silent vibration in my pocket. I took out my phone and saw that I had a text message from Zayn. Zayn. The person who just never leaves my mind. I opened up the text message, and read it:

"Hey Babe, I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to my hotel tomorrow so you could meet the boys. Tell me as soon as you can, See you soon love :)Xx"

Babe? Love? Since when did Zayn get comftrable enough to talk to me like that? I just find it so hard to believe he's talking to me like that. I've gotten the impression that he's shy. Oh well, I guess it's good that he's starting to become himself around me now. If that is how he usually is. I quickly texted him back,

"Yeah of course, I'd love to come! I remember the way, so what time should I be there?"

I got a reply back within seconds,

"There's no way I'm letting a beautiful girl like you walk by yourself, I'll come pick you up, and we can walk to my place together. Just be ready by 4. Alright I have to go back to rehearsels sorry, Bye Love :)Xx"

Beautiful girl? He's going to pick me up? and he called me Love again? He's just like an over protective boyfriend. Wait did I just refer to him as a boyfriend? Yup I did. Ugh, I'm just going to sleep. I texted Zayn a short goodbye and fell asleep in our car as Simrit drove us home.

I was woken up in about 10 minutes, and Simrit was smiling at me telling me that we were home. I got out of the car and walked to the already opened trunk, I grabbed all my bags and headed upstairs to my room as soon as I had gotten into our apartment. 

I mumbled a quick goodnight to Simrit. 

As soon as I got in my room I threw all my bags down next to my bed. Changed into my pyjamas and went right to sleep. With Zayn as the last thought in my mind.

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