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Meredith stuck the final candle into her homemade cake and reached for the lighter. "Perfect," she tried to convince herself as she picked up the lopsided, unevenly frosted dessert. She slowly walked up the stairs, trying not to make any noise. "What are you doing!" She yelled, startled by her husband who was supposed to be sleeping.

"I was thirsty," he stood at the top of the stairs and yawned as his hands rubbed his eyes. "Is that for me?" he pointed at the chocolaty mess in her hands and cheesed gratefully. Meredith tried to turn around and hide it so that he wouldn't see, but in the process, the cake went flying out of her hands and landed on the stairs.

She glared at him angrily and threw her hands in the air. "Well it was," She grunted. Derek slyly tried to cover his smile by pretending to wipe his mouth. He loved how beautiful she looked when she got upset over little things.

"Mer..." he flashed her the same dough-eyed grin that she claimed she hated, but the both knew that wasn't true.

"Don't look at me like that," she pouted. "I was trying to do something special for you and you ruined it." She grunted and attempted to barge up to their room but his hold on her made it impossible.

Derek swooped her legs up into a cradle and walked her down the stairs, setting her down next to what used to be a cake as she screamed in protest. "Stay here," he demanded and walked to the kitchen, "don't move." His smirk put a smile on her face and she looked around at the mess she'd made. The entire bottom step was covered in chocolate frosting and sprinkles.

"What are you doing?" Meredith raised her eyebrows as he walked over to her spot on the stairs and sat down next to her with two forks in hand.

"We're eating cake," He handed her a fork and dug in, not phased by the fact that it was currently being plated by the wooden surface.

"You don't want me to sing?" she looked at him wholeheartedly and Derek swallowed the dry crumbles in his mouth and leaned in to whisper into her ear.

"We both know you can't do that," be chuckled as she hit his shoulder and took a bite of her creation. "This is..." he started and she finished his sentence.

"Terrible," she admitted. Knowing Meredith, the cake was probably half raw, half overcooked, and missing multiple ingredients. The two sat on the steps laughing and enjoying each other's company while refraining from consuming the cake that would most likely give them salmonella.

"It doesn't have to go to waste..." Meredith stuck her finger into the frosting and wiped it on his nose. Giggling when he opened his mouth in shock.

"Don't start something you can't finish," he warned. Derek walked to the kitchen to find a napkin and a container of chocolate buttercream frosting caught his eye. "Meredith where are the napkins?"

She got up to find them for him because she figured giving him instructions to look for something was like asking a cat to drive you to work. "They're right here," she turned around and wish she hadn't. Derek!" she yelped as a load of buttercream covered her face.

"What happened?" his maniacal chuckle filled the kitchen.

"I hate you!" She reached for the bottle of confetti sprinkles and poured them all over his body. Derek grabbed a nearby bag of confectioners sugar and chased her around the kitchen island trying to pour it on her until they got tired. He sighed and relaxed his shoulders, looking at her like she was the only person who mattered.

"You love me," Derek grabbed her arms and pulled her closer. "And you have chocolate on your lips," he pointed out and she nodded her head sarcastically, standing on her tiptoes to reach his. Meredith puckered her lips and pecked him once before he pulled her back and the two continued sharing soft connections of their mouths until Meredith's laughter took over. Derek licked her lips and smirked, "I like vanilla better," he teased. His hand smoothed up and down her back as he held her close.

"Oh shut up," Meredith wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed, not wanting to let him go. He rested his chin on her head and breathed in her scent. "I know you come from a big family with lots of kids," she muttered into his chest, "and I'm sorry that we don't have that. My uterus is hostile and that's something I can't control, but this...I wanted to make your birthday special for you." The truthfulness in her voice stirred something inside of him.

"Meredith." He let go of her waist and put his hands on her cheeks, lifting her head to look into his eyes. "You don't get it do you?" he watched her scrunch nose in confusion. "All you have to do is be here. Spending time with you, like this, is all I've ever wanted." He kissed her softly, "I love you, and this tops any water slide or bounce house I've ever had."

"You're not just saying that to make me feel better?" she turned her head and broke their eye contact. Everyone thought that Meredith had it all together. That she was finally at a point in her life where everything was perfect. But she was still that insecure intern lusting for the attractive attending. She wanted to show him that she loved him but nobody ever taught her how.

"Look at me." He moved his head to catch her eyes. Derek understood her. He got the dark and twisty and the inability to express feelings because of her past. He knew when they started this thing that he would have to let her come to him when she was ready to talk about things. He was aware that she rarely told him that she loved him. But when she did, he was certain she meant it. "I mean it." He kissed her again and pulled her in for the last time. Holding her tight against his chest.

"I love you," Meredith dropped her tensed shoulders and relaxed into his body. He made her feel safe when nothing else could. Derek loved these moments when she let her guard down. When she truly let him love, and take care of her. That was the only birthday present he could ask for.

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