The Perfect Medicine (preview)

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A/N: this is another preview, although this is a book that I haven't fully decided on releasing. It's an idea that I started on years ago and have written tons of chapters for, but haven't gotten around to release so I kinda wanna get some input on it. Also, I'm currently reading Asylum by thwoooooorp_ (which you should all check out btw) and, allthough it's a very different concept, it got me thinking about this story again.
So please let me know if you want me to make this into a book at some point💛

A/N 2 (edit): I might change the names an make this a non-Trixya story. Still this story about this girl and still at some point involving her and another girl, but not specifically tied to Trixya.

Trixie P.O.V.

I'm not afraid, I can't allow myself to be.
For four years I've known that I was going to die because of the medication, but I've only for four hours that my life will be ending in two days.

Forty-eight hours...
What do you do when you know you only have forty-eight hours left to live?

Do you complain?
Do you cry?
Do you say goodbye to everyone you know?

Maybe you just sit around waiting?

Sometimes I dream of what my life would have been like if my parents had survived that fire ten years ago.
Would we still be living in that beautiful light blue house by the lake?
Would we now be eating dinner at the large glass table?
Would mom and dad have been asking me about my day?

I don't know...

The only thing I do know is that I wouldn't be sitting by this tiny window at The Sunflower Orphanage awaiting my certain death.

It wasn't was like this, The Sunflower used to be an amazing orphanage. We'd go on trips to the woods, we'd travel into town, the staff genuinely cared for us, and the fence around the building wasn't even half as high. We had more freedom, we were happy, but the medicine changed all of that.

After multiple waves of serious viruses and mutations of tuberculosis the government decided to create a special medicine, a perfect medicine.
It was meant to cure all diseases, and put a stop to all the deaths. It was meant to be our salvation, but until now it's only caused more harm.

The errors are far too many, and so it doesn't actually save lives, it takes them. They say it only takes seconds after it enters your bloodstream. Your blood is poisoned, and then your entire system shuts down. I wonder how much you get to think about before everything goes to black.

Do you have time to wish that you'll end up someplace better?
Do you have time to miss the ones you're leaving behind?

The government started by testing it on animals, the only issue was that they needed too many species to properly test everything and so the cost became to big to hide from the public.
That's when they decided to use us instead, orphans in the care of the state. Kids in the system, we're not that valuable.

We're not like regular kids, we're an annoyance, an inconvenience who steal money from the state. Regular kids are valuable little treasures, sweet creatures that everyone loves and cares for. They're dolls that adults can dress up and play with, paintings that should be seen and not heard.
We're nothing like them.

I was a regular child once, I was loved and given more respect then most, but all that's in the past now.
No cares about us. Not really.
No one will even notice that we're disappearing every day due to the government's little sience experiment.

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