seeing bakuhoe thotsuki

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He helped me to the shower and i got all cleaned up and then dried off and put on the hoodie dabi gave me and the jeans, dabi went to go shower next when he came out i noticed we weree almost wearing the same thing and i bursted out into laughter he just stood there looking confused,

dabi: whats so funny?

y/n: ok ok look at your outfit then look at mine

dabi sighed and rolled his eyes while you were still laughing your ass off he picked you up bridal style and kissed you, you kissed him back and you guys left when you walked outside hawks was standing outside dabi set you down and you almost fell again barley being able to stand.

hawks: that rough huh?

i just looked away and got embarrassed 

hawks: so dabi what did it taste like 

dabi: i dont know what your talking about 

hawks: yes you do i am talking about y/n c-

dabi: do you wanna be turned into fried chicken?

hawks rolled his eyes walked over to me and whisperd in my ear

hawks: baby bird i could blow your whole back out~ 

I blushed super hard and covered my face

dabi: what did you say!? y/n tell me what he said 

it was just silent

dabi: whatever just back off bird brain lets go y/n... wait hold on hawks can you do me a favor?

a smile was put on his face hawks just looked shocked 

hawks: depends

dabi: i am taking y/n to go see her friends but i am a villain and you are a hero so do you think you could take her i will still be watching though so dont try anything

hawks: sure but you owe me

hawks winked at me and i smiled, dabi saw then picked me up again bridal style we started walking towards the park when dabi kissed me then put me down

y/n: dabi, thank you 

i could see he blushed a little

dabi: anything for you princess

we walked to the park bc it wasn't that far away dabi just kinda trailed behind and I was walking with hawks. We got to the park and i saw bakugo with todoroki, wait todoroki? I wasn't expecting todo but its ok I missed him to! Out of the corner of my eye i saw dabi turn around and walk behind a car, I walked over to bakugo and gave him a hug and todo to!

taken away~ dabixfemale readerWhere stories live. Discover now