kid 😇🥴🛌napped

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When I woke up I was tied up to a chair, It was very quite and dark and I had absolutely no idea where I was. I didn't hear anybody and I was really scared, I started to tear up a little bit. I used my quirk to untie me and I just put my face in my hands crying and trying to focus. After a couple min I got a hold of myself and stood up I still could barley see a thing and my eyes didn't adjust to the light because i was crying in my hands. I started to walk froward a little bit and trying to find a wall that might have a door so I can escape after running my hands against the walls I felt a door knob and opened the door, it was still dark on the other side but there was a little bit of light and I saw the purple guy from earlier sitting at this bar? And there was another one behind the counter who had a really weird face, tbh I dont even know if he had a face.

purple man: hey little mouse~

y/n: wh-who are you

he got up from his seat and walked towards me, i stumbled back a little because I was scared when i did that he stopped and just stood there.

y/n: i- i asked a question perv

he just had a smirk and giggled a little

dabi: well doll face you can call me dabi, and theres no need to be scared of me you are mine now after all .

WHAT!? I was so confused I didn't know what to do, he was really attractive and had a sexy voice and the most gorgeous eyes. I blushed a little but hen turned my head to try and hide it. He started walking towards me more i continued to hide my face. He grabbed my chin and made me face him, his hands were warm and i was looking straight into his beautiful eyes. He then leaned over to my hear and started whispering to me again.

dabi: I can see you blushing you dont need to hide your beautiful face little mouse~

(Sorry I know Its bad😭)

Thats when it hit me. O M LORD AM I STUPID? Dabi IS A VILLAIN, OMG how did I not know this from the start. I was even more scared my hands started shaking. He noticed and grabbed my hand and dragged me to another room. When he opened it I slammed it shut and he just smirked and looked at me. OMG he was so hot.

dabi: princess i already told you, you dont need to be scared 

he opened to door again and threw me on the floor he then stood me up and lifted my shirt and placed one of his hands of my hips and burnt a hand print on my side, I whimpered in pain but then he kissed me, his lips were warm but i didnt kiss him back and i gave him the evil eye. I was training to be a hero not some villains pet. 

dabi: playing hard to get now are we? 

y/n: what do you want?

dabi: you little mouse~ i own you, you see that on your hip i have marked my territory.

y/n: i dont belong to anybody

I pushed him off and ran out the door looking for an exit but i didn't know which door to go out of when somebody walked in and it was hawks! YAY! i was saved i ran right to him

y/n: hawks you have to h- i was cut off by dabi

dabi: hey chicken wing checkout what i found 

hawks: oh i am hey baby bird~  

I was actually confused i just stood there

dabi: back off bird brain shes mine

he lifted up my shirt and showed hawks the mark

dabi: see shes mine 

y/n: hawks you have to help me he kidnapped me 

hawks: your right come with me 

he took my hand and started to walk towards the door he came in from when dabi ran up to us and grabbed me by the throat and burned me a little bit.

dabi: princess you      are       mine 

taken away~ dabixfemale readerWhere stories live. Discover now