Must Feed

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Izuku was in his hospital bed sitting looking at the food in front of him 'ever since I woke up I can't eat.' Izuku thought picking up his chopsticks and talking a piece of salmon and bringing it to his mouth hesitant to put it in his mouth.

When he did he was going to vomit 'why did this happen to me' Izuku thought then he heard the door handle and went under his covers.

"You haven't touched your food you ok?" The nurse asked "it's just the food tastes bad like I'm gonna vomit." Izuku said "well I'll let the doctor know oh and your friend came by again." The nurse said walking away.

<time skip to near the end of Izuku's last check up>

"Well you seem perfectly fine." The doctor said "but everytime I try to eat it's like I'm gonna vomit." Izuku said "could just be some form of mental trauma nothing to worrying about." The doctor said getting up and leaving the room.

<time skip to when Izuku gets to his front door>

When Izuku gets to his front door he see a bag with a from Kaminari the read.

"Hey congratulations on getting discharge oh and I also got you your favorite hamburger staek I know I'm the best now hurry up and come back to school it's lonely with out you here

From the greatest friend in the world Denki Kaminari."

"Sorry Denki it's gonna be awhile before I come back to school." Izuku said walking inside his home it was empty as usual he dose live alone after all.

It's been five hours since he got home and the sun went down only an hour ago he was watching the news to get his mind off his hunger.

"So mister Sho can you tell us why ghouls don't eat human food?" The report asked "it's quite simple actually their tongues work differently than ours do [when Izuku heard this his eyes widened] our food is essentially poison to them [Izuku couldn't believe what was hearing] so they have to eat humans." Sho said.

Izuku ran to his fridge he started trying to eat something anything to make sure he wasn't a ghoul but everytime he ran to the bathroom and vomited.

Now he had nothing in his so he went started with the food in the bag the same got the same results there was only one thing left the hamburger steak.

"Wow Denki you got this all for me." Izuku said sounding depressed before taking a bite he shend a single tear before dropping to his knees.

"Why did this happen to me." Izuku said before realizing something "they put her organs inside I'll just cut them out." Izuku said getting up and grabbing a knife and letting his into his mouth.

'If I cut them I'll be normal again' Izuku thought bring the knife to his stomach.


The knife broke in two and Izuku collapsed to the floor crying he was stuck like this forever.

After an hour Izuku decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air.

<time skip>

Izuku was walking through a cross walk when he stopped and started looking around.

'Woman, child, man, child,  woman, man, man, flesh, woman, flesh,  flesh, man, flesh, child, flesh, FLESH, FLESH, FLESH, FLESH, FLESH!' Izuku thought while biting his right index finger before a woman spoke "hey is he ok?" Then her boyfriend spoke "don't pay attention to him let's go."

Izuku then ran home.

When he got he went to the bath and looked in the mirror.

The white of his left eye was black with a blood red pupil "WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME!" Izuku yelled then he saw Riza behind him in the mirror and he punches it braking it in the process.

He walk to the kitchen to clean it up, he then remembers the coffee in the cabinet "I wonder." Izuku said thinking it would make him vomit again but still trying to eat it.

When he put some of the coffee in his mouth it tasted good really good "this tastes good wait can I mask the tast of food with coffee only one way to find out." Izuku said walking to his fringe and grabbed a slice of pound cake from the top.

He then sprinkled some coffee grounds on it and taking a bite and spitting it out right away "ok so I can't mask the tast but I can have coffee, I'm gonna need to stock up." Izuku said walking to his bathroom and grabbing an eye patch and putting it on to go out and buy some coffee.

<time skip to Izuku was on his way home>

Izuku was passing an alley when smelt something good something he could he eat he started running into the alley to were it led 'finally something I can eat' Izuku thought dripping his bags with coffee.

When he reached where the smell was coming from he thought he was going to be sick "THAT SMELL WAS A CORPS A CORPS!" Izuku yelled disturbing the ghoul that was eating "oh your a Ghoul too I'm Kosmo here it might not be much but I haven't eaten in awhile." Kosmo said offering a peace of flesh to Izuku he just staired at it.

"Take it's all y-" Kosmo couldn't finish what he was going to when he was killed by another ghoul "and that's what you got for eating on my feeding grounds." He said before looking at Izuku "that goes to you too." He said starting to walk to Izuku "p-please I-I was just passing by I swear." Izuku said before being picked up by his throat.

"You expect me to buy that crap." The ghoul said tightening his grip on Izuku's throat "tell me if you find your girlfriend on the ground naked and a guy with his pants down and says "it wasn't me I was just passing by I swear" you know what I would do to them I'd kill them same goes here." He said about to kill Izuku.

Then they hear a new voice "who said this was your feeding ground Nishiki." Touka said dropping down into the alley "fuck off Touka." Nishiki said letting Izuku go, Izuku dropped to the ground coughing.

"This was my feeding grounds before that bitch Riza showed up." Nishiki said "that wouldn't have happened if you weren't so weak let the people at Anteiku handle spitting up the territory Riza stole." Touka said "you know what I hear the most a punk kid with a smart mouth." Nishiki said as he starts running Touka and she dose the same.

They past each other "is that all you got Touka?" Nishiki asked smugly "wait for it." Touka said right before several cuts appeared on Nishiki "damn you I'll be back you bitch." Nishiki said running away.

Touka turned around to look at Izuku then she grabbed a hand off the ground "your hungry right take this." She said offering it to Izuku was going to grab it but he grabbed his and pulled it back "just take it already." Touka said shuffling it in his before he slaps it away out of her hand.

"I WON'T I CAN'T I'M HUMAN I'M HUMAN I'M HUMAN I'M HUMAN!" Izuku yelled as he cried and hit his head on the ground then looks up to "wait your the guy that was with Riza how are you alive?" Touka asked "please you got to help me." Izuku said still crying "why are only one your eyes red?" Touka asked "please you have to help me." Izuku said "why should I?" Touka asked grabbing a chunk of flesh "please." Izuku said right before Touka forced the flesh in his mouth.

To becontinue....................

(a/n what will happen next find out next chapter of Two Worlds One Hero.)

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