16 | What happened?

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A/N: At this point, I don't really care about the short chapters anymore.

3rd person

"There you two are!"

Jen and Yoongi turned around to see Jimin walking towards them with a grin on his face.

"We've been looking for you guys," He added.

Yoongi smiled, "Sorry, we forgot about the time."

He knew that Jimin wanted to tease him, to give him a teasing grin and laugh about how he and Jen walked away from the group just to talk.

But Jimin knew better not to say anything.

After all, they all agreed to not overwhelm and make her feel uncomfortable around them just because she couldn't remember all the things that happened in her past.

Yoongi was thankful for that.

The three of them began to walk back to where the rest were waiting for them.

They all looked at Jimin and almost missed the slight teasing smile on his face and secretly pointed at Yoongi while shaking his head.

They knew Jen and Yoongi talked but Jimin told them not to say anything.

"Okay!" Seokjin exclaimed, catching everyone's attention while the three sat back down on their seats.

"So, since the main reason why we're all gathered here is to help Jen here to remember her memories," He began.

"And we already took turns introducing ourselves and telling her our roles in her life, I think it's time for her to tell us what had been happening to you for the past year."

At this, the attention suddenly moved to Jen.

"Hm?" She hummed.

Mira gave her a comforting look, "Would it be okay to hear your side of the story?"

Looking around to see multiple faces looking back at her, waiting for her to respond.

She thought about it for a moment, realizing that it is true, they still don't know what had been happening to her for the past year that she had gone missing.

Jen gave them a nod.

Everyone went silent, giving her the stage.

"Well, there's nothing much that I can remember," Jen began. "From what they told me, they found me washed up on shore with a bullet wound."

The seven men tensed up at what she said.

Yoongi's memories of that fateful day flashed before his eyes.

"You're dead, Min Yoongi."

As fast as he can, he grabs the gun from the ground and immediately pulls the trigger without even checking if it has a bullet or not but he doesn't have to when he hears a loud bang.

Yoongi hears the loud bang from where Caleb is standing and his eyes went wide as the bullet flew towards him at lightning speed.

He drops to the ground to avoid the bullet but he isn't fast enough, expecting a painful force piercing through him, he hears a loud yell instead.

Jennie's body limps on him and he immediately realized what the doctor just did.

"Y-you!" He yells. "Jennie! I told you t-to run away!!"

Yoongi's eyes start brimming with tears as blood starts rolling down her lips with her hands holding tight on his arms.

"I'm a... d-doctor, it's my job to s-save p-people's lives."

He gulped, trying to keep himself calm. Tears threatened to form in his eyes but he managed to be strong.

"The first thing that I could remember is waking up in the hospital," Jen continued, not noticing the other's reactions. "That's where I met Hanbin and his grandmother."

She looked at her friends and saw that some of them were confused, not knowing who those people are.

"They were the ones who found me on the shore and brought me to the hospital," She explained.

"I could only remember half of my name and without any knowledge of my past, I decided to stay with Hanbin and his grandmother."

Jen looked down on her hands, "They treated me like family when I can't even remember my real one."

Her three sisters gave her comforting smiles.

But before anyone could even comment on her story, someone came running towards them.

"Hanbin?" Jen gasped as she stood up from her seat.

Everyone else turned to the man called Hanbin.

For some reason, Yoongi's hands began itching.

"Hanbin? What's wrong?"Jen asked once again, walking towards the panting Hanbin.

"Granny," Was the first thing that came from his mouth. "She just had a seizure and they brought her to the emergency room."

Jen gasped and she immediately turned around to her friends with a frightened look on her face.

"I-I have to go," She told them.

Before they could run back to the hospital together, Jisoo suddenly spoke.

"We'll go with you."

After that, all fifteen of them began rushing back inside to the emergency room where they had brought Hanbin's grandmother.

Arriving in front of the while double doors, they were already panting, trying to catch their breaths.

Fortunately, a doctor walked out of the said emergency room.

"Are you the relative of Mrs. Im?" He asked Hanbin.

The said young man answered with a tired nod.

"Well, Mr. Im, I'm sorry that you have to hear this but," The doctor sighed, looking down on his clipboard. "Your grandmother's condition has gone worse and we need to get her through the surgery by this month."

"Did you find the doctor who can help her yet?" Jen asked him, standing right beside Hanbin.

The doctor shook his head, "Unfortunately, not yet."

Hanbin's eyes shut close as he ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm really sorry."

Jen frowned and looked at Hanbin with pity. Not knowing what else to do, she immediately wrapped her arms around him whispering comforting words to his ear.

Yoongi's heart gave a sudden jolt of pain at the sight in front of him.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, "Come on, hyung, let's go get dinner with the girls."

He heard slow footsteps walking away behind him but still, Yoongi did not love a single muscle.

Eyes locked on Jen wrapping her arms around another man.

Seokjin grabbed hold of his arm and gently whispered to his ear, tugging him by the arm.

"Yoongi, let's go."

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