chapter 8

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If Circe is surprised or upset to see a squad of Troopers waiting for her in the loading bay, she doesn't show it

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If Circe is surprised or upset to see a squad of Troopers waiting for her in the loading bay, she doesn't show it. She wasn't aware that there would be military personnel on a Jedi trip, but she passes them wordlessly. They're a squad of Clones she's never seen before.

A group of Younglings trails after her and Anakin, chatting excitedly among themselves about their first off-planet field trip together. Obi-Wan stands on the ramp leading into the ship, double, triple, maybe even quadruple checking that everyone is accounted for as the noisy crowd of kids climb onboard.

"Okay, everyone!" Circe says proudly, standing with her hands on her hips in front of the group. "Can I see your packs?"

The children all raise their respective bags in the air, tiny fists clutching their Order-issued hemp bags that they'll use on trips for the rest of their training.

"Water bottles?"

A crowd of bottles raise before her.

"Very good job. Getting to Ahch-To is going to be a long trip, which is why we're taking a cruiser," She explains. "And when walking around, we travel in..."

"Pairs!" The group replies.

"That's right," She smiles, "If you need anything, Master Kenobi, Master Skywalker, and I will be around."

"We're about to leave so let's take our seats, shall we?" Obi-Wan says, ushering them into the buckled seating that line either side of the cabin.

"Master Skywalker," A boy complains, looking up at Anakin from his spot along the wall, "Why aren't you sitting down? There's a seat right there."

Anakin, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed across his chest, answers, "I've been on a lot of different ships before. I'm used to takeoff."

"But my brother Silas says we must sit down when a ship it is taking off or we could be hurt."

"Your brother sounds very smart, but when you're older it's easier to steady yourself during liftoff. One day, when you're bigger, you'll be able to stand too."

"Will we really get to ride in more ships?" He says incredulously, looking around him with wide, young eyes. Circe swells at his innocence. His long, dark lashes give him a rather doe-like appearance, and a part of her wonders if he'll be able to remain innocent. If this war won't crush the youth out of him the way she's seen it crushed out of so many.

Anakin takes his seat beside the boy and distracts him with every off-planet mission he can think of. The ship rumbles to life below them, and lifts into the air, shooting up past the city skyline and out towards the stars.

Circe can't wait to get to Ahch-To. She's only been a handful of times, once when she herself was a Youngling. She remembers the salt in the air, sprayed against her face from the raging oceans that surrounded the Temple.

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