Tony Stark-Panic Attacks

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TW // Panic attack. Proceed with caution!

(This takes place after Civil War but pre-Thanos, so no spoilers for Endgame or IW)

Tony's POV:

Today was a shit day. Like... seriously. A really shit day. My anxiety has been through the roof and it's just a shit day all around. Pete was supposed to come over, but he had to finish an essay or some school crap. Pepper's been in meetings all day. Rhodey had therapy for his back again for like the 4th time this week. I've been in the lab, upgrading suits and working on upgrades for F.R.I.D.A.Y. as well. I don't remember the last time I actually slept, like 8 hours straight slept.

"Fri, is there anything on the updated schedule?" I asked the A.I.

"Looks like a calm day to me, Sir. If you're bored, may I suggest taking a walk around the tower?" She responded. I think about it, getting up and pacing in my workshop. "That's not what I meant, sir." The A.I. sassed. I'm feel a rush of pride, soon replaced by anxiety again.

"Hey, Fri, is there anyone besides the regular staff in the tower?" God I must be so bored if I'm asking this.

"It seems someone is at the door, Sir, though you may not want to see him." F.R.I.D.A.Y. sounded concerned, which made me wonder who has the -audacity- to make her concerned.

"I'll go meet 'em, yea-" I started before I was cut off by the A.I.. "I heavily recommend against that, Sir." That could only mean one guy. Steve. "Fri what the hell is he even doing here?" I asked in an attempt to hide my ever-growing anxiety. "No idea, Sir. Would you like me to ask?" I nodded. "Already on it, Sir."

I couldn't help but pace as my mind slowly, but surely, took over. What was he trying to do? Why come here? I can't face him now, not after what happened when I saw him last. I didn't even notice Pepper come into the lab, nor did I notice my heart racing. "-ony? Tony!" I look at her wondering when she got out of her meetings. I hum in response. "Are you okay Tony? F.R.I.D.A.Y. let me know he was here." Whelp, this is it, I'm officially going to die. "Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine."

That literally couldn't have been farther from the truth. I was exhausted on all counts.

"No, Tony, you're not fine. You're clearly exhausted!" I sigh and melt into my stool. "You're right, Pep. I having slept for 8 hours straight in about 4 days and that asshole is at my door. I have no idea what I'm gonna do about it, either." I relent. Pep envelops me in a much needed hug and I practically melt into her. God I love this woman.

"Sir, it seems Mr. Rodgers needs to speak with you. I would advise Ms. Potts to accompany you." F.R.I.D.A.Y. tells us. "Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y., I'll be going down with Tony in a minute." I look at her with a pleading look. "Tony, we should see what he wants, okay?" I sigh and get up, opening the door for her.

~~~What's this??(⊙o⊙)A mystical time-skip!!~~~

I'm in the kitchen waiting for Pepper to bring trash can lid man up the stairs because "the elevator only fits one person" plus he needs the workout. (insert cheeky smirk here)

The door opens and I brace myself. This is going to either badly or badly. I pour one glass of apple juice and a glass of whiskey. I may hate the man, but that doesn't mean he's not going to have to endure my humor. I sit on the couch, and set down the glasses in front of me.

"Stark." I hear from behind me. Heart thumping loudly in my chest, I stand to "greet" him. "Rodgers." I nod curtly. "Stark we need your help." I inhale sharply. "Yeah? You need my help? After Serbia, you come asking for -no- needing my help?" He looks at me with regret in his eyes, and I go soft. "What would you need me for, Rodgers, a new suit?" He looks down at the floor, then looks back at me.

"We need a place to stay."

My blood runs like ice, heart now going a mile a minute. "What?" I realize I can't breathe and I shoot Pepper a look. "We'll sign the Accords if you want us too, just... please Tony." He said, looking between me and Pepper. "I-I don't see how-" The stutter seems to clue both of them in that something's up. "Tony, why don't you let me handle getting them settled in, yeah?" Pepper suggested.

I nod and walk off into the elevator, pressing the button to the floor my lab is on. As soon as the door closes, I fall to the ground hyperventilating. "Fri-" I gasp. "Sir, shall I call The Spiderling? He is your only available emergency contact." I nod so hard my head could fall off. "Calling The Spiderling. Sir, please try to breathe." The line rings for somewhere around 10 seconds before Pete finally picks up. "Hey Mr. Stark! What's up?" I can't speak so I silently ask F.R.I.D.A.Y to answer him. "Hello Peter, Mr. Stark requires assistance in the lab. Please get here as soon as possible." He seems to think for a second. "Is this like... Avengers stuff..? WAIT IS IT A NEW SUIT?"

Peter freaks out on the other side of the line, slightly calming me down with his antics. "Pete, I need you to get h-here now." Peter stops and gasps. "Mr. Stark are you okay?" I'm steadily getting worse and I really don't have the energy for witty banter so I just shake my head. "Kid, swing over, I need your help. Pep is busy and S-Steve's here." Peter seems to realize what's happening and puts his mask on, transferring the call to it and starts swinging. "Mr. Stark I'll be there in... Karen how long..?" I'm hyperventilating and trying to focus on Peter when his A.I. speaks up. "Approximately 1 minute." I let out a small huff. "I can do that 20 seconds. I'm almost there, Mr. Stark."

Just then the elevator door opens and I stumble out, sitting on the floor next to almost under my desk. I hear Peter's sneakers squeaking on the clean floor. "Mr. Stark I'm here, where are you?" I made a whistling noise to let him know I was here. He rushed over and kneeled down in front of me. "Hey Mr. Stark, it's okay I'm here with you. You're okay. He's not with us. Breathe, Mr. Stark, you gotta breathe." I tried my best to take a deep breath, but nothing came of it. I try again, this time a little more successful. "Good job Mr. Stark! Hey, can you tell me about your A.I.s? I wanna improve Karen a bit." He asked, obviously trying to distract me. "Wh-which one kid? J.A.R.V.I.S. or F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" He chuckles. "Your favorite?" I look him dead in the eyes. "Kid they're both amazing and I could never chose.. but nice try." I give him a small smile, feeling better. "Thanks kid, really. You did good. I'm proud of ya."

//1213 words!! Thanks for reading!! See ya in the next one!

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