Buchanan Vers - Backstory and stuff

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*Buchanan Vers (they/he) is an OC, they are the only character I own in any of these one-shots*

Buchanan's POV:

I finished typing up my essay for school while I was making a cup of coffee for Tony, not Tony Stark though, no matter how hard I wish. This Tony is my step-father. He's in his mid-thirties, but he doesn't look it. He's nice, I guess. My bio father died when I was 12, he wasn't as nice as Tony but I'll leave it at that. I have work and school, so I pack my school bag and set my parent's breakfasts out on the table for them. It was just a couple scrambled eggs, but whatever. I yell a quick goodbye and close the door behind me.

~~Hey look it's a magical time skip~~

I've just finished the last class of the day when the BioChem teacher, Mr. Boster, pulls me aside. "Vers, have you thought about any of the internships I've recommended? I believe you'd do well at Stark Industries, if you wanted to." He says. "I've...thought about it. I don't think he'd take me though. I'm only fifteen." I say solemnly. He looks at me with an odd look, and hands me a paper. 'Stark Industries Internship Application' is printed on the top. "Try? think of it as your next assignment, okay? Fill and turn in the application, and you'll get 10 extra-credit points on your next BioChem test." 

I sigh and take the paper. "What could it hurt to try?" I walk to the busses and sit against the wall. I take out a pen from my bag and start writing down my info until it's filled. Around ten minutes later, I look at my watch and realise I'll be late to work at this rate. I put the paper on the front desk of the school and I wave down my friend who's in a black car with tinted windows. I work at a Starbucks not far from my school, so I often hitch a ride with him. "Hey Pete, how was your day?" I ask as I get into the car.

"Oh, hey Happy!" I look up and wave to the man in the driver's seat. "Peter Parker who is this man and why is he driving you?" We both crack a smile. Happy is staring me down as though I'm a stranger so I stare back to assert dominance. "Who are you and how do you know Peter?" I say with a very sarcastic tone. I may be short, but I can still somehow can beat this grown man's ass in five minutes. "I should be asking the same to you, kid." He says with a friendly wink. 

I smile and shift my whole demeanor to friendly child in less than two seconds. "I'm Buchanan, nice to meet you!" He is thoroughly amused when I put my hand out for him to shake. Pete snickers. "Good to see you, Hap." I acknowledge Happy with a much more casual tone.

"I hate to ask, but could you drive to the Starbucks down the road? I really don't want to be late for work again and the bus doesn't drop me off. I can walk if you're in a hurry tho-" I'm cut off by Happy shushing me. "There is absolutely no way you're walking, kid. You'd have a heatstroke before you get there." I give Happy a grateful look and relax a little.

When he stops at the Starbucks, I get out and walk around back. I go to wave goodbye but I notice Peter getting out as well. "Hey Pete don't you have responsibilities like with the internship??" He smiles and walks over to me, shaking his head. "Mr. Stark won't mind if I'm a few minutes late, if I bring him some coffee." I make an 'ah' kind of head movement and we walk inside. I grab my apron and go behind the counter, setting everything up for the rest of my shift. "Does the tin man have a favorite from Starbies?" He shakes his head no, so I wonder if I could make a mystery drink for the tin man. "Would he fire you if I gave him a mystery drink?" Peter looks at me with a sort of childish glee that I've barely ever seen. "You should make an Iron Man drink!!" I laugh at his excitement and start making a drinkable Iron Man.

~~What's this?? Another magical time skip??~~

Tony's POV:

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