six; drivers license

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'And I know we weren't perfect,
but I've never felt this way
for no one
And I just can't imagine
how you could be so okay
now that I'm gone
Guess you didn't mean
what you wrote in that song about me
'Cause you said forever,now I drive alone past your street'

- Drivers License by Olivia Rodrigo


To begin with, parties weren't my thing.

Yeah sure, I've been to parties before and I knew exactly what went down in them but the idea of being in a crowd with sweaty and drunk people wasn't something I looked forward too every weekend.

I wasn't sure if it was too late to give Ben a random excuse as to why I suddenly had to go home and not enter the massive house. When Ben said we were going to a party, I didn't imagine it would be in a mansion. Gosh, I wasn't even sure if I had the appropriate clothes.

"Hope you look amazing, stop playing with your shirt," Ben scolded me like a child as I kept on readjusting my shirt.

"Is it too late to say that I came down with the flu?".

Ben simply ignored me and chuckled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house. The loud music filled my ears as we made our way through the crowd, occasionally stopping as Ben greeted some friends.

The looks we got from people made me feel uneasy until I realized Ben and I were holding hands which gave the answers to their looks. His hold was tight, making sure I didn't get lost within the crowd.

"Ben! Can we go home now!" I whispered-yelled into his ear.

"Have some fun for once in your life Hope!" Ben yelled back making me roll my eyes.

The first official stop we made was in the kitchen and finally Ben let go of my hand as he grabbed us some drinks. Grabbing the red cup from Bens hand, I kept it near my chest but didn't give it a sip.

"Hope, isn't that the guy from the restaurant?" Bens question made me jerk my head into the direction he was pointing.

Leaning against the wall was Tom in all his glory, normally my heart would be beating with joy at the sight of him but the only thing I could feel was anger and jealousy. Standing in front of him was that girl, Giselle.

I was lucky enough as Tom had spotted me within seconds. It was like a magnetic attraction we had with each other, no matter where we were, he would always find me. And if my luck couldn't get any better, Tom began to make his way over.

"Oh god, Ben let's go," I whispered to Ben but if was to late as Tom had come up to us, "Hope, I didn't think you would come."

I gave him a smile, "Ben thought it'd be a good idea to come."

"Wait," Giselle laughed, "You're Hope?".

I simply nodded as she once again laughed, "Oh god Tom, it's her isn't it?".

I squinted my eyes as I watched Tom clench his jaw. Ben must have notice the tension that was building up as he stood beside me and placed his hand on my arm.

"Well Hope, I'd never thought I'd meet you," Giselle gave me a fake smile, "I mean, we all have heard of the bitch who broke Tom's heart but gosh I'd never thought I'd meet her in person. We have heard so much about you."

My gaze moved towards Tom who didn't meet my eyes. He simply whispered something to Giselle and grabbed her arm, trying to drag her way but Giselle was persistent as she took a step forward.

"Isn't it quite maddening Hope? To see your ex with his new girlfriend? I can only imagine how your poor heart must feel right now."

"Giselle that's enough," Tom said making her turn to him, "Come on Tom, tell her how much you hate her. Tell her how you spend months drinking because she broke your heart."

Tears began to drown my vision as I turned to look at Tom who kept his gaze on Giselle. He had this angered look as he shook his head.

"I said that's enough," Tom grabbed Giselle's arm and dragged her away not before Giselle turned her head and blew a kiss my way.

I stood there with tears rolling down my face and the noise around me became fuzzy. I hadn't notice when Ben grabbed my arm and took me outside. The only thing I could think about was Tom broken look and Giselle's words.

Tom hated me?

I knew that he was mad that I had broken up with him over text but he hated me?

"Hope? Hey look at me?" Bens voice faded in and out of my ears until I felt the warmth of his hands on my face that I was able to come to my senses.

"He hates me?" I questioned out loud making Ben frown. He removed his hands from my face and let out a sigh. I hadn't realized we were back in his car until I turned my gaze away from him.

Tears wouldn't stop rolling down my face as Ben began to drive us back to my house. My mind was being cruel and vicious as it drowned me with memories of Tom. He was everything that I wanted but now, I wasn't sure if I was anything to him.

The soft noise of the car turning off made me realize we had made it back home. My head turned towards Ben who gave me a sad smile. He kept his silence as I just sat there and allowed myself to drown in my own misery.

"Hope, can I ask why?" Ben cleared his throat, "Why did you break up with him?".

A dry chuckle left my lips as I wiped away the tears from my face. That question had been on repeat since the moment I ended with him. Why? To this day there wasn't really an answer except for, "I was tired."

Ben gave me a confused look. I moved my gaze down to my hands as I spoke, "Loving Tom was so much Ben. I love him with every ounce of my being, everything I did was because of him. Every breath I took, every beat of my heart was for him. I couldn't live a day without loving him that I had just stopped loving."

"I am in love with him Ben, gosh god knows I am but I wasn't sure if I love him, you know?" Hope turned to Ben with tears streaming down her face once again, "But now, that I see him with that girl it just made me realize that I had let go of the man that I love Ben. I love him, I always have loved him and now it's too late."

Ben gave me a small smile, "Hope, it's never too late, love is stronger, love always wins."

I gave him a frown, "But what if my love isn't enough for him?".

"Then he isn't meant to be yours."


authors note;
hey guys! Here's anther update!
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