𝓸𝓷𝓮 - the first encounter

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[•] means pov change/time skip

⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡 - 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙


⋘ Tʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴇʀʀᴏʀ. Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴛʀʏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ. ⋙

You were sat in Math class, your pen between your lips as you tapped your fingers on the desk. You wished that the period would end sooner. You dozed in and out of consciousness listening to the teacher explaining a sum. Why did kids even have to do math.. it's not like we'd even need it in the future.

Your head snapped up at the sound out the bell. You quickly packed your bag and waited for the teacher to dismiss you. "Make sure to do page..." you blocked out everything else that came out of her mouth, "you may leave" Sighing in relief you left the classroom, ready to go home and watching anime while eating pizza.

As you walked down the hall you failed to notice the foot stretched out infront of you and the snap of a camera when you fell. Embarrassment filled you as students all around you giggled. "Everyone shut up!" You looked up only to see a hand stretched out for you to take.

Immediately taking the hand, you were pulled up and face to face with a hot head of messy, black bed hair and hazel eyes. Realizing that you were staring for wat to long. You cleared your throat and took your hand from his. "Uh thanks" You mentally cringed at how awkward that must have sounded.

"I haven't seen you around here" you attempted to start a conversation. "Yeah all my classes are on the other side of the school" you nodded slowly "Makes sense. Well I'm Y/n" A smirk played on the boy's face "beautiful name for a beautiful girl" You felt your face hest up at the compliment.

Meanwhile, somewhere in a crowd of students a short pudding haired boy glared harshly at his friend. They were supposed to be doing this together. Why the hell was he stealing all your attention. He had to remind himself that Kuroo was his closest friend and would never try to steal you away.

Looking down at the picture he had taken of your panties when you fell, kenma felt his mouth salivate at the baby blue lace that cupped your ass perfectly. He often fantasised and even jerked off to the photos of you he snapped at random times.

Kenma was about to snap when his phone was ripped out of his hand but calmed down when he saw that it was only kuroo. "I have a date"

These words were all Kenma needed to hear for his face to drop. He turned to the idiot he called his friend "what?" Kuroo slightly shivered at his friend's rough voice "I said-" kenma huffed "I know what you said jackass but I thought we agreed on me asking her out first"

Kuroo chuckled "look at it this way, I get to go on a date with her, go back to her house, and take a pair of her underwear for you"

A creepy slime made it's way onto the shorter boy's face. The thought of getting to sniff your underwear at any time he wanted aroused him. He sucked in a deep breath "deal"

Kuroo smirked and watched you turn around to wave him, before heading home.

You started your journey back home. Your school wasn't really that far from your house anyways. You plugged in your ear phones which is the dumbest thing to do but oh well. Your mind drifted off to Kuroo, he seemed like a really sweet guy and you were excited to go out with him.

Finally reaching your house, you pulled out the key to unlock the front door. Reaching nearer, you realized that it was already slightly open. You contemplated calling 911 but still found yourself pushing the door open.

"Honey is that you?!" You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding. Slamming the door shut, you walked into the kitchen, dropping your bag in the process. There you saw your mom cutting some strawberries. You ran towards her, wrapping your hands around her small waist "i missed you so much" you mumbled into her sweet smelling shirt.

Your mom always had to go on a business trip and it left you home alone for weeks, sometimes even months. But you were happy that she was here right now. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming back so soon?"

Letting out a chuckle, she smiled down at you. Admiring the way her daughter is developing nicely. "I wanted to surprise your with your favourite but you came home to early" she pretended to pout. You softly laughed at her childish antics. You pecked her cheek and ran upstairs to change out your uniform, quickly rushing back downstairs to help make the cheese cake.

"Soooo any boys?" You nearly choked on your spit and her bluntness "no" she grinned and playfully shoved you "there has to be someone" your pondered for a minute but eventually decided to tell her "well there is this one guy..his names kuroo"

"Ooo what does he look like?" Not wanting to go into detail you coughed out a "very hot" which your mom heard clearly. She was excited at the fact that her daughter had a crush. "So what's-"

"Before you ask me what he's like i don't know cause I just met him today" your mom's excitement never died down "and we have a date"

You jumped when a loud gasp echoed in the kitchen "I'm gonna get to dress my baby girl up!!" Your mom could be a bit overwhelming sometimes but you loved her for it.

She started rambling about how you should do your hair and what you should wear. You absentmindedly nodded your head, pretending you hear everything she was saying. You picked up the tin and placed it into the oven, setting it for an hour.

Putting the dirty dishes into the sink, you continued to act like you heard a word that came from her mouth.

Kuroo was sat in Kenma's room scrolling through all the photos kenma managed to take of you in a 3 month period. His friend was slightly less mad at him for asking you out first but he would get over it.

"Two" his head snapped to the short boy sitting on the floor. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I want two of them, one clean, one worn" Kuroo gave a sly smile to his best friend "I'll see what I can take" Kenma nodded before returning his attention to the switch infront of him.

They couldn't wait for the weekend, both for different reasons.

This is really boring since it's the first chapter but its gonna more interesting as it goes along


𝗗𝗢𝗡'𝗧 𝗖𝗥𝗬 - yandere! kenma x reader x yandere! kurooWhere stories live. Discover now