𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻 - introducing friends

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⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡 - 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙


⋘ Tʀᴀɴsᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴇʀʀᴏʀ. Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴛʀʏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ. ⋙

The day was going by smoothly, you caught up with your friends after not seeing them for weeks. Lacy was overseas with her sick grandma, the twins, Haru and Mera were doing God knows what at home and Jamie, was staying with her mom on the other side of the country.

They had been your friends for years. You met Lacy in fifth grade, the twins in seventh and Jamie one year ago.

You were all sat in the cafeteria laughing and chatting away. You were sat next to Lacy, her hand resting on your thigh, you noticed it there but said nothing since Lacy only saw you as a friend.

From the corner of your eye you saw Kuroo and Kenma entering and waved them over. Catching your gesture Kenma nudged Kuroo to get him to shut up.

They walked over to the table and you smiled, "guys, this is kenma and kuroo" Mera twirled a strand of her long blonde hair around her finger, sitting up straight so that her 'boobs' were more prominent. "Hey I'm mera~" you cringed at her over pitched voice.

You could have sworn you saw them eye her in disgust but it was probably just your mind. "I'm Haru, unfortunately I'm twins with this idiot" he pointed a finger at the blond sitting next to him. With a hand on her heart, she dramatically gasped while he just rolled his eyes.

Clearing her throat, Lacy looked at them with an emotionless face "Lacy" Kenma stared at her while Kuroo gave a tight lipped smile. "Nice to meet you Lacy"

Lacy visibly gulped and she wondered how you missed the venom laced in his voice when he said her name. Jamie's soft voice broke the tension in the air "I'm Jamie" she had a small smile on her face and you swore your heart melted at the adorableness.

Lacy never liked the way you babied Jamie, she wanted you to pinch her cheeks and tease her instead. It made her sad that you could never pick up the hints that she liked you. You were the reason she even came out, but you were probably straight anyways, so its not like she'd have a chance.

Kuroo took a seat next to you and kenma unfortunately got the seat next to Mera. He wanted to rip his ears off at her contstant attemps at flirting.

He felt left out, again. Once again Kuroo was being the funny one and impressing all your friends with his jokes. You looked so pretty when you laughed, he wanted to take a picture and keep it on his wall along with all the others, but he couldn't.

He pulled out his switch and began to play.

It pained him even more that it wasn't him making you laugh like that, it was Kuroo. He felt like this was a game and he was loosing, but then Kuroo's words played through his mind "and we can all be in a relationship"

Kenma smiled to him self. When they got rid of the lesbian bitch, they could have you all to themselves. He didn't trust that Haru guy either, but would give him a chance since he hadn't shown any interest in you.

"Kenma!" Snapping out of his thoughts, kenma raised his head and realised that half of the students had left the cafeteria, including your friends.

Being the person you are you had told them to go ahead and you'd see them after school, much to Lacy's disappointment.

He saw you smiling down at him next to kuroo. "C'mon the bell rang"

Kenma could barely function when he stood up, shoving he red and blue device into his bag, him and kuroo following you down the halls. It was the simplest thing ever but the fact that you waited for him filled him with joy.

"Welp, this is my class, bye!" You waved them before opening the door to your classroom and entering, letting it close behind you.

Chuckling kuroo muttered "Bye chibi-chan~" knowing that you couldn't hear him and kenma simply waved at the closed door.

They turned around and were off to find their classes.

{Time skip}

The final bell of the day rang and you hurriedly packed your bag, waiting patiently for your History teacher to dismiss you. "Alright class you may leave"

You were out the door before she could even finish her sentence.

Roaming the crowded halls, you tried to find your friends. You were startled when a hand suddenly grabbed your wrist but was relieved when It was only kenma. "Let's walk home together"

"Oh I'm already going with my friends but you guys can come along if you wa-"

Kenma clenched his teeth "they already left" your eyebrows furrowed in confusion "I know my friends they wouldn't-"

"Well they did, so you can come with us" Though a bit hesitant, you still agreed. I mean, if your friends left they must have had a reason to.

"Great" kenma grabbed onto your hand which you didn't mind since he was your friend. He pulled your with him and exited the school doors, being met with a smirking kuroo, something you noticed he did a lot.

"There she is" he wrapped an arm around your shoulders while kenma still held onto your hand. Smiling, the three of you left the school grounds together.

Gaining a lot of weird looks from people, you ignored them. Not thinking that anything was wrong with the way the two guys were clung onto you.

The walk was fairly silent. Just the sounds of everything going on, on the busy street. "So.. y/n, is there anyone you- you know.. like?" Your eyes widened at the blunt question and you shook your head no, not wanting to embarrass your self by saying it's him.

Both kuroo and kenma felt their hearts squeeze in their chest, but you barely even knew them, so maybe you'll return their feelings eventually.. right?

I have a history test coming up and instead of studying I'm writing this 😗✌🏽


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