chapter 11

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July 26th, 2015
Harry's pov:

It has been two days since I last heard from Rose. And for some reason she was all I could think about. Did she forget? Did I accidentally give her the wrong number? Did she not like me and asked for it just to be polite? I was laying on the couch of my hotel room that me and Louis shared, reading a magazine for the past ten minutes when my roommate's voice ripped me out of my worries.

"Mate, you've been reading that magazine upside down for ten minutes already, you sure you're ok?" He asked, making me actually pay attention to the paper in front of me and I saw that he was in fact correct, the magazine was upside down. I looked up at Louis, who was sitting in the armchair next to the couch and had his phone in his hands.

"Yeah, just a bit worn out." I lied, I didn't like lying, but I didn't want to tell Louis that I was worried about Rose not texting or calling me because he'd just laugh and tell me I'm "whipped" and I wasn't really in the mood right now.

"You know what would cheer you up?" Louis continued with an exited expression on his face.

"What?" I asked, not as enthusiastic as him.

"Getting a hair cut!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air. I just threw the magazine at him, surprisingly not missing and hitting him right on the head. I laughed a bit at his pained expression but quickly shut up when I saw his face light up with anger. I was ready to run for dear life, but my phone buzzed just in the right moment on the glass coffee table next to the couch, making me forget about everything and grab it as fast as I could.

Unknown number: yo

Maybe it's her! And maybe my number just got leaked again. What should I text back? I don't want to seem too-

My thoughts were interrupted by Louis flying up from his armchair and snatching my phone away from me. He glanced over the text with confusion clear on his face.

"Who's this?" He asked, pointing at the unopened text on my Lock Screen.

"Give it back." I said with a serious expression, extending my hand to him.

"Tell me who this is first." He said cockily, smirking a little, moving the phone further away from me.

"No, just give it back." I said while trying to grab the phone from him, but he was too quick with his movements.

"Well if you don't want to tell me I'll just have to find out myself." He said mischievously, grinning wildly and pressing the call button on the "unknown number". Just as I was about to steal the phone, Louis started running away from me. I had no choice but to chase him, I couldn't let Louis's call ruin my relationship with Rose.

"Louis, I swear to god!" I shouted at him as he jumped over his suitcase, which was conveniently laying in the middle of the living room and ran over to the door, quickly opening it and running out, laughing hysterically with me right on his tail. I started panicking, what if she actually picks up? This thought made me run faster, but Louis played soccer which gave him a huge advantage. He looked back at me over his shoulder, sprinting down the hotel corridor with a huge grin on his face.

Then he looked back at the phone and brought it up to his ear. Oh god please no.

"Hello! This is Harry's phone! Who is this!" He screamed into the phone, not being able to talk normally while running, not stopping even for one breath. That man smoked for his whole life, how was he so good at running? But then he unexpectedly came to an abrupt stop, turning to look at me with a shocked expression.

"Rose?" Was all he could get out before I snatched the phone away from him and anxiously brought it up to my ear, turning around to walk back to our room. She's going to think that I'm some creep, obsessed with her or something. Or that me and the band are all extremely immature, not that this wasn't true, she just didn't need to know that just yet.

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