the island of pirates

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the tall buff man that stopped my escape is named cale.well,anyways cale came in like always."come on get up were here."he said as he walked closer."no,im not moving.i dont want to meet your prince king or whatever"i stated which was no use because cale just came over and undid the way to tried to fight back or scream.cale picked me up and threw me over his shoulder."you got lighter" he stated as he opened the door and walked out.

it was about mid-day and the sun was just pounding so i closed my eyes really fast and threw my hands over my eyes.i felt the swaying of the boat stop and i tryed to open my eyes yet again but the same thing happend.i heard murmuring.i tryed yet again to open my eyes again and this time it wasnt bad so i kept them open.i looked at my looked like we are in a town.the people were whispering to each other and some were just going about there own business.

as i look through the streets i see a couple kids beating a little boy."put me down for a sec i wont run away,i promise"i said.cale gave me a suspicious look and kept on walking."put me down or ill bit my tounge off"at that he put me down and went to grap my hand but before he could i ran in the diractions of the kids.

cale ran after me yelling at me to stop.i did when i got to the kids."hey leave that kid alone"i said in a stern voice.the kids stoped kicking the boy on the ground and looked at me."what do you want"said a skiny looking kid with dirty clothes on.

"well i want to know why you guys are picking on this kid".the kids looked surpised.i walked over and leaned down to the hurt kid.i turned to cale who has been behind me for awhile. "cale"i said looking back.cale looked surpised but recoverd fast."uuhh um yeah"he stuttered.

"help me get this kid home okay."i smiled and looked at the other kids."now are you going to tell why".they looked down to the ground.i looked at all of them.they are all skiny with dirty clothes on and a couple with-out shoes.

"cale can i have some money?"i asked.he cocked his head to the side then he shook his head."i'll tell u what.if you give these kids enough money to buy food then i'll go without a fuss deal?" i gave him my best smile.he blushed and digged in his pocket and  handed me a small bag of coins.

"now lets make a deal" i said to the one that seemed to be the leader."why would we want to make a deal with you."he crossed his arms and so did his friends."well i dont think you want me to pity you and just give it to you,or do you?"i said with a smirk.

he looked stunned then let out a big sigh and said "whats the deal?"i grinned and replied "well i'll give you boys this bag full of money,only if you stop fighting and hurting people,deal" all the boys smiled and all said at the same time"we promise"

"now would you mind saying sorry to this boy and help him home.well thats what a man would do at least."i whispered just loud enough for them to hear as i handed the bag to them.

i stood up and walked to cale.he grabed my arm and before we turned the corner i looked back to see kids help the boy off the ground.i smiled and kept walking.not long after i started getting dizzy and the next thing darkness consumed me.well i guess thats what i get for not eating for a week or so.

i awake in a huge room and bed.the bedding is silk and a light purple like levander.the room is as big as a house.i look arund the room.which is pretty eligant. i see two huge doors across the room.i get up and walk over to the doors.i open them slowly and quietly."huh,no one's here"i mumbled as i slipped through the doors and shut them behind me.i make my way down the hall and to my surpise no one was here at least what  i can tell.

"hey!"yelled someone down the hall.i run the other way quickly.only to run into cale.before i could run he grabs me by my waist and throws me over his shoulder like always.he takes me back to the huge room and sets me down on the bed.i fold my arms over my chest and put a pouty face on.

"the prince will be here soon to meet until then just be a good girl and stay seated,okay"cale then sighed and went to stand by the door.he stoped half way there turned and said "what would you like to eat?".i looked at him and was about to say nothing but i thought it would be wiser to get my strength back then escape .

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