Artic Command

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Now that we had the extra soldiers from the Ginger-Bread Kingdom we were all confident that we could take on the Hollow Kingdom. After a while walking we saw the huge dark village and a not so big castle of the Hollow Kingdom. There we saw skeletons soldiers, "we are here to free the slaves no matter the cause. Then the skeleton soldiers just back off, like they didn't care. Then we heard a huge bang, there was over 1000 skeleton soldiers surrounding us. "Ava I thought you said there was only 500." Then Ava said "I didn't know, I didn't think they can get more soldiers I'm sorry." Then the skeleton soldiers started running to us when everything started to turn cold. And in the north they were people just running to us but fast they were like skiing. But all of us started to realize when the skiers were coming to us, behind them would turn into snow, we all started to run away. "Who are those people". Jonesy said. Then Ava said "I don't know I have never seen those people." That's when the people skiing catch up to us and we all fell because of the ice that was now the floor." Then a man came up to us. "Hey fellow soldiers I am zero we are the Artic Command and we are here to take over this huge building in the middle and create a new era the Zero Era. All of a sudden it turned so cold. "Where were you people". Then Zero said a black Knight with about 1000 soldiers came to me and ask for help to control the middle of this weak land." "Of course the black Knight would lead you guys here." Then Jonesy said "Ava what do you mean." "The knights don't like the Heroes Building, the heroes building use to hold the best heroes then all of us combined but they just disappeared all of them." Then Zero said "exactly that's why I am going to rename from the heroes building to the Artic Command Forces." After going back to the survivor camp failing to free the soldiers due to the Artic Command, the GingerBread King said "you have failed your bargain, we are now at war." Then Ava tried to say "no wait" but they all left." Ava sat down disappointed. Jonesy couldn't believe it they were so close but then again if those Artic soldiers didn't come there was a high chance that they all wouldn't make it alive since the Hollow Kingdom doubled their soldiers.

After the day passed everyone was just quiet. They were all tired and disappointed. There was now a new council that would lead these kingdoms. That's when we saw Zero with slaves from the Hollow Kingdom. "Here fellow friends I have freed the slaves the Hollow kingdom is now in my command." Then Ava said "thank you we are also in your command Zero I thank you." "And also we have this young queen that states she is queen of the Ginger-Bread kingdom." Ava said "oh thank you, Queen 10 of my soldiers would direct you to the Ginger-Bread Kingdom." After a great surprise everyone was happy that the Artic Command Forces was the new council.

After the kingdoms were in peace, Jonesy went up to Ava and said "um Ava me and my friends still need your help for my other friends in the other ship that crashed. Then Ava said "oh yeah look behind you." Jonesy turned around and saw all his friends. "Guys are all of you guys ok" said Jonesy. Then Ramirez who was in command of the other ship said "Jonesy we are all fine, we were just kidnapped by the Hollow Kingdom." Jonesy was about to say you guys are lucky to be alive phew instead he said "wait how do you guys know about this place". Oh I forgot to tell you Jonesy my bad, I um live here, I was suppose to go in here with my friends who also live here when you also went in sorry bout that." Jonesy was so surprised he just smiled.

"Wait Ramirez but you have been with us since like forever how?" Then Ramirez said "I lived here with my parents when my parents disappeared and the next day when I woke up I was in your world which is kinda crazy, I looked for my parents and I never founded them." While Jonesy and Ramirez were talking something unexpected happen.

Something came out of the sky it was a small meteor and it landed right in the camp destroying 2 camp tents. Everyone was looking at the meteor when the meteor broke in half an a girl came out. Then the girl said "soldiers I need your help I am Brite they also call me Brite Bomber but besides that a dangerous man and his group has come here and he is not like any of you guys, they are part robot and man, they are called OverClocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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