Cold And Rude CEO: Part-1

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1.Your First day as CEO
                                              Y/N's POV.
Y/n: Good Morning world (yawns and streching )..woah! I woke up early today.Its just 6am right now.Let's get freshen up. And go for a morning walk.
Let's goo..( getting up from the bed i entered the bathroom)
i brushed my teeths and took a
So while am doing my morning routine..u guys go Author Nim gonna give you my introduction..
A/N: Why can't you just do it yourself..
Y/n:No am bathing and then i have to go for morning walk i will be late..pweasee~~author nim..(puppy eyes).
A/N:ohhh goshh dont make those eyes..i aint fall for them.
Y/n:oh okh then thank you sooo much author yaa..hehe u r the best..hehe..
A/n: Aish this girl ! I have to do it now..lets do it..
                               A/N's POV...
Name : Min y/n.
Age : 21 years old.
Personality :  kind and savage..(bcz why not after all she is the sister of Mr.savage.)
Y/n's Sibling :  Big brother (Min Yoongi- he has his own company..)
Y/n's Mother : Died after giving birth to y/n.
Y/n's Father : A successful businessman and friend of Mr.jeon (jungkook's father)
Y/n's POV
Ok and am done..oh and yea here's my outfit and look..

Y/n : ( i got downstaires and saw my father and brother there

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Y/n : ( i got downstaires and saw my father and brother there..)
Good and oppa(smiles)
Mr.Min and yoongi : Good Morning Y/n..(smiles)
Mr.Min: Going for morning walk..
Y/n : yes dad
Yoongi : soo dad and y/ going to work..or i will be late..take care both..bye
Y/n and Mr.Min : byee son / oppa..take care.
Y/n :am also going for morning walk dad.
Mr.Min :okh daughter be quick..okh we are gonna eat breakfast together..(smile)
Y/n : okay dad ..byee..
Y/n : soo lets start walking...(i was walking until i reached near the park where i played when i was small with my childhood friend )..
Y/n : where are you my sunshine.i miss you so much .why did you leave like that.(without me realizing a tear fell from my eyes)..goshh i miss you.
Y/n : ( i wiped my tears and started to walk back home my father must be waiting..)

                          Time skip to home..
Y/n : when i reached home i didn't saw dad..i got near the dinning table for breakfast and saw a note there..

Am sorry actually when you were gone for the morning walk i got a call from my friend (Mr.jeon) he wanted to meet i already made breakfast for can eat..hmm.
And yea dont worry for me i have already eaten..
And yea i know today is your first day in your office as  CEO soo best of luck for that your best..

Y/n : *sigh* oh yea how can i forget today is my first day in office..hope it will be a good day ..
Lets eat the breakfast.
After eating..lets get ready for the office i dont want to be late on my first day well and that too as CEO... *sigh*

             Time skips after getting ready...
While am driving you can see my outfit and all..

While am driving you can see my outfit and all

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Cold and Rude CEO (jungkook's one shot) Where stories live. Discover now