Part 3 - Married to Mr.Rude..

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3.last part- Married to Mr.Rude..( a beautiful ending)

Y/n's POV..
When i look at the face of that person..i was froozed
as i saw the person..i was feeling mixed emotions..
Anger,love,Sadness and a little happiness also..
As i finally found him..i finally huh..( in mind)it was my childhood best friend..JUNG HOSEOK..itY/n's POV..
When i look at the face of that person..i was froozed
as i saw the person..i was feeling mixed emotions..
Anger,love,Sadness and a little happiness also..
As i finally found him..i finally huh..( in mind)it was my childhood best friend..JUNG HOSEOK.. was my sunshine..he was just standing in front of me..After so many years he finally met me here..
Tears formed in my eyes and were already flowing like there's nothing to stop them...
i was just staring at him..with my teary eyes..and i guess Taehyung named guy noticed he asked me.
Taehyung: yah ynnie~~ what happened why are you crying..( as he said that everyones attention got towards me and him)
Jimin: yah Y/n what happened...
i felt like i can't hear them i wasn't in the condition to to tell anything because i couldn't say anything i was soo shocked..and that was when his eyes met mine he saw me..and as shock as i was..and his eyes were also getting teary...he slowly came towards me..
Hoseok: y-y/n is it y-you..( he said slowly as a tear fell from his eyes..)
Y/n: yes its me..(i said while wiping my tears but in anger as i was really mad at him)
Hoseok: a-am soo sorry y/n i really had a reason behind..going i really had( he said as his voice cracked a lil.)
while as jimin..and the kim brothers were confused..
Y/n: you are a liar..A LIAR...( i said in anger)
you said you will never leave me alone you will always with said you will always stand by my promised me..JUNG HOSEIK...( I said while in anger while he just looked down but was shocked whe  i called his name out) because never in my life i have called him by his name..but i thought to control my emotions and give him time to i knew there must be a reason why he left. 
Y/n: okhh you had a reason tell me am giving you time..( i said while crossing my arms)
He told me all the reasons why he left and all
he said he wanted to go abroad for his studies and that time he was also announced as jk's assistant so he had to learn some business things too..
*i nodded on while listening to him and hugged him*
He did the same then we turned around to see the 4 confused looking man's
As i saw there faces there reactions were so funny ...
And i couldn't control my self from did hoseok..and they became more confused.instead of telling them the whole story..i just said he's my childhood friend but he has some reason's so he left korea and now we met again after years..

Taehyung: ohh so that was the reason you were suddenly crying ..but hyung you didn't tell us about this.
Jin: Yes even me should have shared it with me..atleast..
Jimin and Namjoon named guy nodded.
Hoseok: i knew that we will meet again somewhere.
i had the feeling in the morning that i will meet you today..and see we're sorry jin hyung but i didn't want to bring Y/n because i knew it would just mess in between my work..i couldn't concentrate on business so that's why i thought to keep work and my emotion's aside..
Namjoon: hmm its okh hoseok you did it as you had reasons..its OK..haha..
Namjoon said that and everyone agreed..even me.
Hoseok: thank you hyung..
Jin:its nothing *smiles*
Then everyone started talking..and jimin told me something..
Jin:ohh so Y/nshi~ am famous for my dad jokes a lot do you wanna hear some..(he asked politely)
When he was saying that i can see everyone facepalming i got curious.. and him in was showing me signs like nodding his head in 'No'..
i thought its fun and even he asked me soo politely that i couldn't say i said
OK go ahead..
The three of them just sigh while i chuckled.and Jin started ..
He stared at Jimin and said
Jin:y/nshi~ what is it called when a short person waves at you..
Jimin: yaah!!hyung..don't you da-( he got cut off by jin)
Jin: shut up i didn't asked you and ignored him.
i chuckled again and Tae and Namjoon were also laughing..but Jimin glared at them ..
i was kinda confused first but..i know knew why they said no to me..hehe and i said
Y/n:i don't know..😅
Jin:ohh no problem its........
Y/n:its.......(i repeated)
Jin: its Microwave..hahaha.( he laughed out and i was just thinking whether i have to laugh or not)
Seeing my reaction they all laughed out..
and i also did a hehe..

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