Bonus part-Beautiful ending..

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And again we all started talking until we heard the MC ( host) speaking...
End of Y/n's POV
I left them and went to my dad..I saw him with Uncle Min..
I went near them and called out my dad.
Jk: Hey dad i wanted to ask you something..(i said)
Mr.Jeon: Yes son..
Jk: where's mother i can't find her here anywhere do you know where's she ( i asked while my eyes were roaming around to find her ( my mom)..)
Mr.Jeon: ohh that son she didn't come because-
(i cutted him off by saying)
Jk: What!!? she didn't come but i didn't mean that to her..( i said while felt a lil. guilty)
Mr.Jeon: What are you talking about son she didn't come because your grandmother was really sick and she had to be there..( he said)
Jk:ohh ..that's the reason..(i said while feeling a lil.relieved)
Mr.Jeon: Yea and what were you talking about..what didn't you mean ( he asked)
Mr.Jeon:ohh OK as you say..well first come here and meet Mr.Min ..( he said while smiling)
Jk: Yea.. Nice to meet you Uncle Min.( i said and bowed as respect)
Mr.Min: yea..nice to meet you too are you.. You have became such a handsome man..huh( he said but i heard him right)
He called me as 'Don't..what does that mean..Did he said that or i heard wrong.
Jk: have you been uncle (i asked)
Uncle Min: Am fit as always..*smiles*
Jk: great..( i said and my dad said something to me)
Mr.Jeon: yah son all are here soon let's start the party..(he said)
Jk:sure dad( i said and we went near the stage )
All the attention went to us when we got near the stage and the host started the announcement..
Host: So ladies and gentleman we got the one and only Jeon Jungkook..The Handsome and successful son of the most successful CEO Mr.Jeon..
After he said that he handed us mic and me and my dad got near the center..and everyone started cheering and clapping ...
And my dad stepped forward while i was standing beside him..
he started talking..
Mr.Jeon:i appreciate it that you all came here..
and today is my son's birthday and i have two happy announcement for him..(he said while smiling cheerfully)
Well about the first one i knew ...
that's i will be the next CEO but about the second one i had no idea. i guess dad has another surprise for me..and he continued..
Mr.Jeon: its that my son will be the next CEO of the jeon i have gave all my age to make this company and now i want to rest..( he said while all were clapping and cheering and i saw my hyung's and that Y/n cheering..while smiling..
while i saw her smiling a small smiled cracked at the corner of my lips ... and i moved my head to my dad and said
Jk: dont worry dad i will give my all to my will be more successful than it is now..( i said firmly)
Mr.Jeon:i know son i believe in you..( he patted my back)
Mr.Jeon: And the other news is....
While he said that everyone went silent and were looking like they were very interested..while i wasn't..
But after what my dad said everyone gasp in the crowd and even i was so damm shocked.
Mr.Jeon:My son is getting married very soon.( he said while smiling like its nothing)
i was so shocked..but then he again continued
Mr.Jeon: And its non other than my closest friend's daughter..(.he said and looked at me)
Jk:dad what's this.i told you i don-(he cutted me off by saying and said)
Mr.Jeon: i know what you are thinking now but i promise when you will know her and meet her you will definitely not be disappointed son.( he said)
Jk:bu-( he again cutted me off)
Mr.Jeon: i just have this wish see am old now i want to see my grandchildren's roaming around the house..(he said and i can see eyes were meaning each and every word he was saying)
i haven't seen my dad like this.This was the first time he pleased me something ...and i just couldn't look at him so i looked away..i knew that dad would never choose a bad girl for me and of course its Uncle Min..
but even then i wouldn't wanted to marry a girl whom i haven't know or met..and i already had a girl inside my heart..but again i said.
Jk: OK i will agree but i want to talk with you and them.( i said )
Mr.Jeon: OK perfect thank you son soon much..( he said and i can see he was very happy)
And after so much time i have saw my dad this much happy..i also smiled a lil. and we hugged each other
While everyone was mumuring ..i guess talking about me..aish..
But then one man said something..
Man: but Me.Jeon can you tell us whose that lucky girl whom your Son will marry..
While he said that everyone started saying..
Everyone: yes Me.Jeon we also want to know whose that beautiful girl..
i turned to my dad as i also wanted to know..
and he said the name which made my breath stop for a moment..
Mr.Jeon: its non other than Mr.Min's daughter my best friend and brother Ms.Min Y/n...and again everyone gasped while i was just trying to understand what's happening..i wanted to meet her.i wanted to see her.
Is she here where's she ..where..( i was thinking)
but again as my eyes were roaming around i saw Y/n and Jimin looking soo they were at my place..but why tho..They were as shock as i was.
Wait!!don't tell me its h-her..Is she really my Y/n..
Mr.Jeon: And yea there she is standing looking beautiful as ever..( he stated as everyone's head moved in sinc towards the direction he pointed and i guessed its her..)
Women 1: she is so beautiful..isn't she also the new CEO of Min company..while his brother is working in states..woah two most successful companies CEO are getting married..its so cool( she said to another lady which was with her taking a sip of her wine)
Women 2: yea its like a dream..( haha she said)
Mr.Jeon: so yea everyone enjoy the party and excuse us as i want to talk with my daughter-in-law..( he said and all just giggled)
And that's when my dad asked me Hey son come and meet your soon to be wife...( he said smiling widely)
i nodded and just smiled a lil.
We got down the stage and went near Uncle Min.
End of JK's POV..
Y/n's POV
So the host announced that Mr.Jeon and jungkook's here..all started clapping while i did the same..
i can see his friends cheering and happy for him.
i smiled seeing all of they are supporting his best friend so much.They see him as not their friends but as their own brother ...i was just thinking this until i felt a hand on my shoulder i turned and saw hosoek standing smiling at me..i also smiled at him..and he said
Hosoek: Do you love him( he asked out of the blue that caught me off gaurd)
Y/n:w-what are y-you talking about..( i said )
Hosoek: haha..its not like you don't know what am talking about..( he said while smiling a lil.)
Y/n: i d-dont know..( i said while he just shook his head)
Hosoek: i know you very well..and even i remember when you always would come to me and share all about your day after coming back from your school..
Y/n:What..soo( i asked) also shared that you had a crush on boy whose name is something like jeon junglebook..
that's when i knew it's Jungkook...but i couldn't say anything because-( i cutted him off)
Y/n: because that was our last meeting..( i smiled a lil.)
But it's okay now it was for the best..sunshine..( i said )
And you wanna know yes i love him..he is the only person in my heart till now..when. i wanted to confess to him i couldn't..when i wanted to tell him how much i love him i couldn't..huh.( i said while smiling)
but see where we all are now..
haha..and i will confess to him very soon as i don't wanna loose him now also..sunshine you too..( i said while i moved to see him..)
i can see he's happy ...
Hosoek: you have thought very good y/n..( he said while smiling genuinely)
And again we gave our all attention to Me.Jeon was saying something i didn't know what he said half as me and hosoek were talking..and hosoek went to his hyungs while Jimin came near me..and said
Jimin: yahh y/n what were you two talking about huh..( he asked while raising one eyebrow)
Y/n: duh! why would i say to you..( i said while scoffing)
Jimin: yaahh!!? how can you talk to me like that am older than you..( he said while opening his mouth )
Y/n: soo what and yea close your big mouth you know what even the dinning table can be stored in it( i said while smirking)
Jimin:yahh you peice of-
He got cutted when we listened to Me.Jeon saying
Mr.Jeon:My Son is getting married and the girl is non other than Ms.Min Y/n..( lol am lazy 😂)
i was so shocked with his statement i couldn't believe what i just heard..and everyone was looking at me in 'aww'..
i saw Jung kook also shocked as i was...
i looked at my father and he was smiling widely while i was in a utter shock..
and then Me.Jeon himself and they went near my father and i did the same..i went near them..
Jungkook was watching me
I kinda felt shy and yet uncomfortable
Mr.Min: so however now both are the CEO's of the company and even they are going to.get married soon..we want you two to.go some dates so that you can know each other more..( he said)
Mr. Jeon : yes..
I and jungkook looked Jungshooked
Mr.Jeon: so y/n we would like you and jungkook to go on some dates but later if you are okay with each other..( he said again..)
Y/n: Jungkook: NO.......
I and jungkook said at the same time
All were laughing
Mr. Jeon : I think they will be best couple if they get along well
Mr.Min: come on dear it's just date.. We are not asking you people to get married just now.( he stated)
Mr.Jeon : yes we are asking to both to go on date so you can know each other and then we will think about the marriage
I and Jungkook ...we couldn't do anything but just nod our heads
We were looking at each other for a while....but he looked away...
End of Y/n's POV
Author's POV
After two weeks..
Y/n and Jungkook did good on dates as there parents told them too..they would not talk that much..and y/n didn't tell him about her did Jungkook as his personality was completly he find it a lil. weird to confess that he also loves her..
As for you Rose knew and she would always tease you..
and you even know his friends very well now.
End of Author's POV..
Y/n's POV..
So basically its enough know i will just tell him today that am tired i can't hide my feelings again like this..i've got a chance's the day today i will tell him that's it. i don't care what he thinks..( i said while my i was lying on my bed and my head was buried inside my pillow)...
End of Y/n's POV..
Jk's POV...
Aish yahh Jin hyung what to do i can't understand this..please tell me..( i said in frustration..)
Jin:yaah kiddo.what happened..( he asked)
Jk: yeah hyung tell me do i have to tell her about my feelings
Jin: see Jungkook in this my advice will be just listen to your heart..because your heart will lead you to the right path..OK ( he said)
Jk: yes hyung i mean today i will confess to her..that's what my heart is saying me to.( i said)
Jin: that's my boy come here..( he said and gave me a
brother hug)
Jk: yes now go out i will get ready its already late i have to pick her ( i said)
Jin:OK okh..haha( he said and left)
Jk:Today i will confess it to you Mine Y/ not Min
Jeon Y/n ..( i smiled )
Time skips..
I got all ready and left from my house to pick her up..
End of JK's POV..
Y/n's POV..
omyyy god!!!??? what to wear i can't find anything good in here..urghhhh..Even Rose isn't with me..( i said while finding any good dress to wear) this will work i guess..yea..hehe done
I got ready..i got near mirror.
Y/n: yea am soo beautiful~~( i said as singing the last part)
i went down stairs and directly went outside ..bcz u know don't wanna be late and i started waiting for i know he will pick me up..
End of Y/n's POV..
A/n's POV..
She was waiting until she heard a car horn and she knew who is she went near the car and got inside..
so like the whole ride was silence..
no one talked..Jungkook just concentrated on driving while you just stared outside the window..
After arriving at the destination..
End of A/n's POV...
Jk's POV.
i just drove to a restaurant and i must say she was looking pretty and cute in her dress..
I took her hand in mine and went inside..
Well everyone bowed..and i nodded at them..
i can feel she was nervous as her hand was in mine..
We went to the VIP section and sat there..
i saw she was quite and was just figeting her fingers..i found it cute..
I called out the waiter and it was a girl i mean..waitress haa..but when ahe came i was getting kinda weird vibe by her looks..i mean she was looking kinda flirty woman. the way she looked at me made me wanna throw up..and then she asked ..
Waitress: What would you like to eat sir..( in a flirty tone~~)
Jk:*clears throat*umm our orders are 'Yukgae Jang',
'Solleong Tang','Kimchi Soup','Jumbong','Udon with soup' thats it..( i said while she noted it and smiled creepily)
I didn't react but then i saw Y/n looking at her soo annoyed more like glaring at her with her small cute eyes like that waitress is her prey and she will hunt her anytime..i was trying not to laugh in front of i knew she is jealous..So to overcome the laugh i just coughed out a lil.
But then that waitress didn't get any effect of her and when i coughed purposely she came more near me and said..
Waitress:Sir are you you want to drink water..
Jk:No thank you i don't want it.( i said in a cold tone)
Waitress: No sir i guess you are not alright you need water.( she again said making me irritated)
Jk:i said N-( someone cutted me off)
Ohh i guess she is more jealous now..but she is Y/n: looking soo cute..haha i want to watch this show..( in mind)
The real show starts..someone please bring me some
End of Jk's POV..
Y/n's POV..
So he brought me to a fancy restaurant and he toik my hand in his..gosh why do you do this jungkook.. already in love with you .how many times you want to kill me just by your little steps..
We went inside the VIP section and literally till now we haven't talked..So i just played with my hands..because i was kinda nervous..and after sometime he called out the waiter and she came..
well just by her make up and style i can say she is a fuckin flirt..But i just kept quite..But she was getting on my nerves and i was just controlling myself..That freakin lady potato was flirting with my husband..( yea yea not now but soon to be )..and then she just crossed the limit..before jungkook could again reply her i came in between and angrily said..
Y/n: Didn't he said he don't want it so why are you not understanding huh..He's alright and yea he doesn't need your concern..( she said angrily while literally gritting her teeths)
Waitress:Well its my concern ofcource as he is our customer and its my duty to see if every customer is fine or not..( she said while scoffing)
That's it
Y/n: who do you think you are huh just a fuckin Waitress..see i know am neing rude but you just tested my patience okh..and the humurous part is you are FLIRTING WITH MY HUSBAND IN FRONT ME..( i said angrily again not caring about the other's in the restaurant)
she scoffed and again said
Waitress:You want to know the truth so listen yea i am soo what he looks like he is just forced to marry you..
i am so sure that he doesn't even love you..Can you tell me had he ever proposed you..huh.( she said while smirking)
While i listened to her i got a lil.more angry on her statement but that's the truth tho i didn't know if he loves me or not..he didn't proposed to me till now ..
i couldn't answer that as its true..But listening to her those words were stabbing me like a knife...
A tear just escaped my eye..
Waitress: Ohh by seeing you i guess he has not and am saying true..haha..(she just laughed out a lil.)
And i loosed it , i slapped her with all my force..
and a loud thud was heard in the whole restaurant
everyone became silent..and she fell down...while holding her right cheek with her hand ...and she was looking down
End of Y/n's POV...
Jk's POV..
Soo i thought it would be kinda funny and a good show but it turned out to be serious..that bitch(waitress) was just saying her shitty words but tho she was saying that she suddenly jumped onto if i love her..and if i had ever proposed her..i also got angry now but that was true..i said it previously also that i haven't done these thing it was kinda hard for me but today i just thought to propose her to surprise her..but this bitch ruined it all..
I saw a tear escaped Y/n's eyes and that was when i was about to stand and say something...but what she did made me a lil. shocked...She slapped her soo hard that even a loud thud was heard and that bitch fell down...Her eyes were red and she was breathing heavily (y/n) i came in between and said...
He suddenly camw out shivering badly..
Manager: y-yes s-sir..
Jk: What the hell is this huh..( i said and pointed at that waitress)
Manager:S-sir am s-sorry on behaulf o-of h-her..( he said shuttering)
Jk: She is fired and and don't give her the salary of this month..This is her punishment for saying all those words to my wife..U want to know if i love her..huh
YES I LOVE HER..I L O V E HER!! DID YOU GET THAT..( i shouted and she flinched )
Jk:YES OR NO..( I asked)
She didn't said anything..
Waitress: y-yes..*scared*
Jk:EVERYONE GO BACK TO YOUR WORK..And you get lost from here..( i said to her more like warned her)
don't you ever show up in front of me because you don't know what am capable of..
And she ran away from there..then the manager came near me and said..
Manager:Sir am sorry for what don't need to worry about anything..everything's free for you can order anything ( he said while apologizing and bowing)
I just nodded and told him to go out..and give us some time..
End of JK's POV..
A/n's POV..
So while Jungkook was shouting at them you were just calculating everything just happened..and what you did because this is first time you have slapped were feeling a lil. guilty but also you thought she deserved it anyways...
And then you heard Jk saying Yes I LOVE HER..I L O V E HER!!!..and you couldn't believe your own were standing like a statue with your mouth a little opened..And when Everyone was slowly sat down..
End of A/n's POV..
Jk's POV
i went near Y/n and took her hands more like holding them and just looked and her eyes..and she looked at me with her wet eyes..her puffy cute red nose and her plumpy pink eyes suddenly fell onto her lips...and i got more close to her..
End of JK's POV..
Y/n's POV
After he told the manager to go he came near me and holded my both hands softly while rubbing his thumbs softly on the top of my hands..he was looking as if he was examining my features..we didn't say anything and we just looked at each other for sometime but his eyes slowly moved to my lips from my eyes ..and he was just staring at them..He suddenly moved closer to me and i knew what's coming next..i closed my eyes slowly and guess what..
I felt a soft pair of lips on mine kissing me softly and passionately ..he was slowly yet with love..And i gave in and moved my lips with his sync..It was the best feeling I had ever felt...It was looking like he was pouring all his love in that kiss..but then his hand moved at the back of my head while as mine were around his neck...
After some time he broke the kiss and we breath out..
both were breathing heavily...He attached both are forehead and our breathe getting mix..he smiled and said
Jk: That was great..Am sorry for all that my really sorry...( he said while just his forehead was attached with mine)
Y/n: M-my love me ( i asked..)
Jk:What..!!?wait if i didn't love you then why would i kiss you ( he stated)
Y/n: Can you say it again ..i wanna hear it again.( i asked while pouting )
Jk: love but wait ( he said and moved backed and sat on one knee and said)
Jk:Min Y/n i love you with all my heart you were the one who at the first sight took my are my world and my life ..I love you and always will..i will never let you feel alone..and you want to know one secret..( he said all this and my eyes were getting teary)
Y/n: y-yes (i said)
Jk: i loved you from the time we were studying in highschool but i feard what if you reject me,what if you have someone else..what if( i cutted him off by saying)
Y/n: but i have always loved you ..even from the first you entered our school..i didn't even look at other guys..bcz i loved you so much and i also fear so i didn't get the chance to tell you..( i said while pouting again)
Jk:its okay my love so i wanna you want to become Mrs.Jeon from Ms.Min( he asked while smiling brighty)
Y/n: y-yes i wanna be Mrs.Jeon( i said while he pulled out a ring from his pocket and made me wear it..i hugged him tightly while cried in happiness)
Y/n: i love you too ( i said while sobbing a lil. and he chuckled )
Why are you laughing..(i asked while pouting like a baby)
Jk: bcz my wife looks like a cute baby when she cries. ( he said and pinched my cheeks)
Y/n : yahh dont pinch my cheeks it hurts u know( i said in a baby voice)
Jk:aww my poor baby sorry..( he said while chuckling and i giggled )
We were talking for some time and suddenly we heard 'SURPRISE'
And we bought flinched a little as it was just so sudden..
we turned and saw everyone
My oppa,My Father,Mr.Jeon and a lady beside her i guess is Mrs.Jeon...
Y/n: yaah you are scared us..*pouts*( i said )
Jk: yes and all here out of nowhere..( he asked)
Everyone ignored his words and oppa said..
Yoongi: hey baby sis.didn't you miss me huh..will you not give your oppa a hug..( he said while acting like he's sad)
Y/n: No oppa i missed you so ( i went to him and hugged him and he did the same)
we broked the hug and we all looked at JungKook whose reaction was so priceless as everyone ignored..
i couldn't control myself so i laughed out..seeing me like that everyone laughed..and he pouted cutely..
Aww my baby hubby is solo cute...hehe..
Mrs.Jeon: i guess we have chosen right girl for him ( she said and came near me)
Y/n:i just couldn't look up to her..i just looked down..
Mrs.Jeon: Hey dear look know you are the best choice ..i knew it just by looking at you ( she said while smiling)
Y/n: thank you Mrs.Jeon(i said)
Mrs.Jeon:its Mom for you dear( she said while tears formed in my eyes because never in my life i have felt that motherly love..or saw my mom after my birth..and that's what touched me i immediately hugged her..and she conforted me)
Mrs.Jeon: its okh dear i know about your mom..see she is not with you but she is always i. your heart and now u got another mom..haa soo don't worry even tho you didn't get the motherly love you wanted...
you proved that you are the daughter of Mrs.Min..
she is very proud of you..( she said and smiled)
I nodded and wiped my tears and smiled..
Y/n:yes mom..( i said while she hugged me again)
Then Me.Jeon said something..
Mr.jeon: And yea don't call me Mr.Jeon from now on call me( i cutted him off and said)
Y/n: Dad..( i said and he smiled widely)
Though we were talking i looked up to Jungkook and he was talking with oppa..
End of Y/n's POV..
Jk's POV..
While everyone was talking i was just looking at my beautiful wife hugging my mom..( i smiled seeing them like that)
and suddenly a felt pair of hand on my shoulder and it was y/n's brother..
Jk:Hyung what's it..( i asked)
Yoongi: yea soo you are my sister's soon to be husband ..listen you better keep-( cutted off)
Jk:keep.her happy i know i will Hyung i promise i will give all the happiness to your sister hyung..( i said while looking at your figure)
Yoongi:you better be..( he said while yawning)
Jk: are you tired hyung ( i asked )
Yoongi: ohh a lil. just came from flight that's why..(he said and smiled)
i want to see my sister happy.Jungkook ah..promise me you will never leave her alone..( he asked me )
Jk: i promise hyung i will never leave her..( i said)
Yoongi:come here (he said and gave me a brother hug)
i did the same..
and that's when he left and went near his dad and Y/n came near me..i smiled at her..
Y/n:All are soo happy..( she said )
Jk: yes they are..(i stated)
Y/n: So let's get married Me.Rude..(she stated while looking at me)
Jk:Yea why not Ms.pouty..( i said while smiling at her again)
Y/n: Why pouty( she said and pouted that made me chuckle but i also asked)
Jk: then why Mr.Rude
Y/n:bcz you looked Rude to me when i first saw you..( she said while fidgeting her fingers)
Jk: and you pout a lot that's why Ms.pouty..( i said and laughed out a little)
She glared cutely at me but also laughed out afterwards..
End of Jk's POV..
That's how after 2 months they got married and lived happily ever after....
THE END•••••

Thanks to my readers who have read this story am kinsa new on wattpad so yea i didnt post any pictures for last 3 parts am sorry for that am gonna add my youtube link up there you can go check from there too if u want..😊💜💜

Thanks for reading..borahaee..and yea do subscribe to my channel too..💜💜🌈

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