seventeen : tie the tongue around the neck

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My phone ringing wakes me up.

I check the time, it's almost 1am. I groan.

I see Hoseok's name and I pick up.

"Come on man, do you know what time it is?" Still with my eyes closed, I answer, sounding sleepy.

"Yoongi–" There's a pause. Which sounds like bad news already. "It's Baek." I open my eyes, sitting up immediately.

"What– what is it? Is she okay?" I start to panic, getting out of the bed.

"The flight she was in, suffered an engine failure. Despite that they managed to land in Jeonju, but passengers suffered injuries. Baek's in the hospital now. I was trying to look for a flight there, but nothing's available, I know a friend, he'll be taking us there by helicopter."

Not knowing how she really is makes me uneasy. I felt my stomach turn at his words.

"I'm on my way."

"Go, I'll find a parking spot, I'll find you inside." Hoseok says, I open the car door and run inside as fast as I can.

On our ride we received information about the accident and that she was in the Jeonbuk National University Hospital.

The hospital is crowded with concerned family members from the crash, most likely. I don't care for anything else right now than knowing she is well.

I reach the front desk of the small hospital compared to the ones in Seoul.

"Baek Da-hye, where is she? She was involved in the plane accident too."

"Sir, calm down," A nurse says.

"Please, I need to see her, is she alright? What happened?"

"Sir, you have to calm down, we have a lot of patients because of the crash." She looks down at some paperwork. "She is fine, are you family?"

"I'm her boyfriend." I lie.

She frowns.

"Boyfriend? Her fiancé arrived like thirty minutes ago."

A chill runs down my spine. I exactly know who that is.

"What? No, that's not possible, what room is she in?"

"Room 306 on the third floor but–" I run away. "Sir!"

I take the stairs, and run as fast as I can, feeling my blood boil with every step I take.

I find room 306, and I open the door immediately, I feel like I almost burst in anger when I see him there.

She is laying in the bed, eyes closed, and that fucker is sitting next to her holding her hand, he turns to see me, standing up quickly.

"Do you mind? I came in first." He has this stupid smug look on his face. He's always had it.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Jaehyun?" I walk up to him, asking it in gritted teeth. "You have no right to be here, get the fuck out."

"Calm down dude, you're going to wake her up." He pushes me. "I came in before anyone to prove I care for her more than anyone, more than you."

I ignore whatever comes out of his fucking mouth.

"What gives you the right to be here? And to call yourself her fiancé? Get the fuck out, she wouldn't want you here." I try to speak with no emotion, as if I wasn't going to burst in anger at any minute.

He scoffs.

"She wouldn't want you here either. And we were once engaged if I must remind you, so it gives me more of a right than you."

I'm so close to strike my fist to his fucking face, I swear. I don't want to do it because I care for her more than him right now. But he has to leave, if she wakes up and sees him, it will upset her.

"You're a piece of shit, Jaehyun. I would never do what you did to her." I shake my head.

"It was a slip, not that I have to explain myself to you." He fixes his hair.

"Why don't we go outside and you try to?"

"Are you going to hit me? What a civilized way to amend things."

I give him a smile.

"You weren't civilized with her either, so why would I be civilized with you?" I step closer. "I'm going to hit you to shut your fucking mouth."

"I want to see you try."

"Then why do you step back? Are you scared?" He laughs. "You obviously are, but I'm going to let you walk away today, because I care about her more than you right now."

"You know where to find me."

"Oh, I do."

"You're going to pay for it, Min."

I can't wait to erase that smug face from him someday. Soon.

"Name the date, Jeon. I'll see you in Seoul." He walks past me, exiting the room. I close the door.

I close my eyes for a second, sighing. Turning around.

I walk to her, who sleeps peacefully in the hospital bed.

Her lip is busted, ripped, she has a couple of grazes and scratches on her eyebrow and cheekbone area, lacerations on her left arm are now bandaged, she has a cast on her right arm. I never thought I'd see her in a hospital bed again.

It breaks my heart.

I wish it was me instead of her.

I take her left hand in mine, and kiss it. Her hand is lukewarm, her nails are painted in a soft pastel pink. I watch her breathe and hear the heart monitor beep at a normal rhythm. I push a strand of hair behind her ear.

I trace the back of my finger down her cheek. I lean in, to kiss her forehead.

"Baek, if you can hear me–" I stop, restraining myself from saying anything further, because I remember her words a week ago.

I picture her watery bambi eyes looking up at me. The tears streaming down her face. I can hear her words echo in my head.

"You know that we're not for each other. You don't want to love someone like me."

I remember myself that night. Crying over her.

"Get better." I pause. "Goodbye, Baek."


another chapterrrrrr, finally! short chapter compared to the ones i've written lately, but very necessary. plus i wanted to update this story as i'm stuck in my other stories but please do check them out if you have a chance! please vote and share if liked it 🫶

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