Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

"Um... I hate to ruin your moment... but we have to stop Luke from resurrecting the Titan lord..." Grover said. "Oh right..." I said, pulling away from Percy.

-Curse Blade Kills-


"So... how are we going to stop them?" I asked. Percy turns his head to look at the casket on top of the podium.

"First we have to take the Golden Fleece from that casket before the Titan lord completely resurrected" he said. "You go... I'll cover you..." I said, taking out my staff. "Be careful, babe..." he said. I nod my head, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry about me... I'll just turn them into stone if they try to block my path... just make sure to not look into my eyes when I transform..." I said. He smiles and nod his head. "Roger that!" He said. We turn around as Grover, Annabeth and Clarisse also prepares for battle. "Let's go!" Percy said. Then we start to run towards them.

4 of the enemy stops in front of me. I glare at them, letting myself transform. They flinch and close their eyes. I took that opportunity to knock them off their feet. Then I proceed to knock them out. I turn to my normal self and smile at Percy.

Percy walks up the podium and was about to take the Fleece. But before he manage to do that, Luke stops him. "Percy!!" I screamed. I try to run to him, but more of them blocked my path.

"I REALLY don't wanna do this... but you're leaving me no choice..." I said, transforming once again. The ones who reacts late in closing their eyes instantly turns into stone. I let myself turn back as I turn to Percy to see someone has come to help him.

My eyes widened as a huge grin appear on my face. "Tyson!!" I said happily. He smiles at me. "H-How?" Percy said, looking at him wide-eyed.

"The water... it healed me. Son of Poseidon..." he said, smiling. I run to him and hugs him. "You scared me, buddy... I thought you're gone..." I said. He just hugs me back softly.

"Guys!!" Grover suddenly screams. I turn to him to see him looking at a certain direction. I follow his gaze to see the Casket glowing. "Oh no... we're too late..." I said under my breath. "Y/N run! Go!" Percy said. "But..." I try to say but he cuts me off. "Just go! I'll handle the Titan lord!" He said. "Be careful..." I said, pecking his lips. Then I turn to run.

"Master! I'm your grandson... finally you've come back..." Luke said. "My favorite..." the Titan lord said, reaching down and grab Luke. My hands went up to my mouth as I watch Luke gets eaten.

"How do I defeat him??" Percy said in panicked. I thought about it, then I remember a certain night.


I'm sitting with Percy by the lake. He stared into the water. One of his arm is around my waist as the other is holding his Riptide.

"I don't understand, Y/N... what am I suppose to do? All that ever left me is this sword..." he said. I take the sword out of his hand softly. I stared into the blade. Then notice a sentence engraved in it.

"Curse blood shall kill..." I said. "What does that mean? I don't understand at all... does it have something to do with my Prophecy?" he said, looking frustrated. I stare at him with a sad gaze. He have a lot on his shoulders.

I place the Riptide next to me and cups his cheeks softly. "You'll know when the time comes, Percy..." I said. "But the Prophecy said... I'm destined to either destroy Olympus or save it... I'm scared, Y/N... w-what if... what if I'm the reason of Olympus's downfall?" he said, fighting back tears. I frowned at his words. I shake my head, caressing his cheek softly. "No... don't think that... don't let the Titan lord corrupt your mind... that's exactly what he wants, so it'll be easier to control you..." I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head, leaning to my touch.

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