14 - Skydiving

86 7 17

Elos's POV

I awake to a new day. The sunlight from the busted wall greeted me with its cosy heat.

"It's cold, " I muttered. The thin tablecloth barely protected me from the cold night yesterday. Plus, I was sleeping with my torso naked.

Pain pulsing on my wounds subtly. The fight from yesterday did some tolls on me physically and mentally.

The jacket I used to cover my sliced right wrist was soaked in my blood. Which is also due to my lack of expertise in first aid.

My body tenses up at every movement. Some annoying fluid slips out my nose each time I wipe it with my arm.

Did I catch the flu? Maybe. If I did, I would sneeze non-stop right now. Just a running nose.

"Feels better than yesterday, " I mumbled while trying to stretch my hands.

Oh, I forgot I do not have my right hand anymore. My left leg too.

Besides that, yesterday's chicken and bits of rice gave me more energy than ever.

I should be able to drag myself across the floor more often due to some of my strength returning. But, it is better to use a wheelchair because I do not have to check my pants each time to make sure it stays.

"It's still locked?" I said while turning the doorknob a few more times to no avail.

Maybe Trombe can help. There is nothing that my muscle buddy could not penetrate, so far.

I take a deep breath and exhale. Recalling back the familiar sensation of pain excitation flowing throughout my body. All of it, connects back to my heart, "Trombe. "

The familiar liquid aura envelops my whole body as it extends to the space beside me. Trombe fully manifests, with the price of constant pain and heartbeat.

I snap my fingers together as the sound waves form a thin layer. Enveloping Trombe's arms and also mine.

The door shakes under Trombe's rush. Each one of its vibrating fists causes the metal object to tremor.

It took several seconds for a large dent to form on the door. One last punch from Trombe causes it to fly and slide across the large cafeteria.

Muscles over brain do work. But muscle plus brain is stronger than anything. Or, just brainpower, except when 'braindead'.

"Let's just get over it-, " I stopped and looked up. Seeing a metal sliding down from the ceiling towards the doorway.

Trombe grabs me by the shoulders and pulled me away in the nick of time. As a metal board slams down on the floor blocking my exit.

Now, I am back to square one. Stuck in the kitchen again.

"Trombe, do it one more time, " Even though telling it with words is unnecessary. But, I do it to suppress my loneliness.

The metal board stood no chance against Trombe's heavy barrage and flew off like the metal door. Until another metal board blocks the doorway, again.

"Maybe the walls would do the trick, " I moved my body away from the door and lay in front of the wall.

Trombe reel it's vibrating fist behind and strikes the wall. Punching it again with the other before a large metal board drops from the ceiling, blocking Trombe's barrage.

"Wait, Trombe, " I look to the ceiling again and notice it sliding away slowly before picking up speed instantly.

Another large metal board drops in front of the previous. Thickening the wall's defence further.

Another room trick, typical. The person who designed these traps does not want me to go through this death game by normal means. As if I am a part of a toy world.

If any kind of divine is hearing this, I swear I will open a bakery if I survive this whole thing.

I glance from my shoulder and notice that the hole is slowly closing due to the moving ceiling.

So, I have two choices. To wait here and face my death from getting squash by the thick metal boards, or I escape through the hole. The latter is the only option I could see.

More boards continue to slam down onto the floor as I willed Trombe to lift me like a javelin and harden my heart.

"Now!" I shouted before getting thrown towards the closing hole on the busted wall. Trombe fades afterwards.

I stretch my arms forwards to keep my whole body straight. My body is slim enough which allows me to slip through the small gap of the hole.

The cold air touches my naked torso. The gravity pulls my weight down from the tall building. I suppress the fear of falling to death and spread my body.

"Trombe!" I screamed its name but it did not manifest.

At that moment, I notice the irregular rate of my heart rate due to gazing below to the awaiting ground which could be my grave. I could feel the air working across my whole entity.

I close my eyes and press my right hand against my heart. Pumping it a few times before composing myself. Sealing my ears with a layer of a sound wave to ease my brain and calm myself with another deep breath.

"TROMBEE!" I yell at the top of my lungs. The familiar constant pain pulsing throughout my whole body.

A spark ignites in the air before visible blue sound waves ripples from it. Trombe's hands could be seen gripping onto the edges of the waves before coming out to my rescue. As bluish liquid aura envelops both of us.

I pull the belt from my pants and pass it to Trombe. With high speed and precision, Trombe tears it apart into two and ties it together, doubling its length. Twisting the metal part at the edge to create a makeshift hook.

Trombe's muscles tighten as it launches the belt towards a set of windows. The hook crashes through the glasses and catches onto the metal frames of the window.

With swift movements, Trombe grabs my left arm and swings both of us towards a room at the lower floors.

The windows shatter from the impact with my body. Small wounds form on my skin due to the broken shards.

I roughly stumble across the room and crash against a tall shelf. It is painful but still manageable when compared to losing a limb.

Lots of glass container drops from the shelf, falling towards me. I narrowly avoid them as Trombe can push me away in time. So, only a few shatters on the right arm.

That is until I realise when I read the description on the glass container.

"Concentrated Acid (Corrosive & Flammable), pH value 1. "


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