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Alrighty guys, I know usually fan fiction is totally shite…especially Harry Potter but here I am, having read a few stories and considered it carefully that yes, I am going to have a go at creating my own story and weaving it into Harry Potters and yes it will sound totally unrealistic and terrible but hey…at least I tried. This is my second fan fiction piece of work...this is a Snape's Daughter one...I will try my best to keep Snape how he should be.


Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any names of places, spells, animals, people or what ever else that appears in J.K Rowling’s books. I DO NOT take credit for any of these names and WILL NOT try to claim them as my own. The only thing I do claim, which is why this is copyrighted is the story in which I have woven in to Harry Potters fictional life.


I stood in the doorway of the darkened sitting room. The only light in the room was the fire light which was bouncing around the room producing a warm glow. My father was sat in an armchair by the fire reading the newspaper. I had something I needed to ask him but he was not the loving kind and I didn’t know how to approach him. He often told me when I was young that I was left in a basket on his doorstep and felt sorry enough for me to take me in but I didn’t care, I love him like a dad and that is good enough for me.

I cleared my throat and he looked up, the firelight was reflected in his obsidian eyes and shimmered on his greasy black hair ‘Lilly, don’t sneak up on me please’

‘I am sorry dad’ I took a step forward ‘I got a letter today’ I took another step

He sighed and put the paper down ‘you got a letter?’ he raised an eyebrow at me ‘who was this letter from?’

I fiddled with the envelope that I held in my hand and then walked forward right up to the arm of his chair and took a daring move by climbing onto his lap. He did not protest but he didn’t seem to happy either.

I am only small, very thin as well so I don’t weigh much, so it wouldn’t be my weight that was bothering him.

‘Here’ I handed the envelope over to him

He took it from me and pulled out the letter. Absentmindedly, it seemed, as he read my letter one of his arms wrapped its self around my waist and rested on my thigh. I smiled to myself and took another daring move by nestling further into him and resting my head on his shoulder so I could read the letter at the same time.

‘Hogwarts?’ He finished reading the letter and set it down on his lap

‘Yeah’ I replied happily ‘I was accepted!’

‘So I see’ he said coldly ‘well, I suppose that means a trip to Diagon Alley’

‘Thank you!’ I wrapped my arms around his neck and he patted my back awkwardly

All shows of affection however suddenly went out of the window as he shoved me off his lap and stood up ‘I think you should go to bed now Lilly’

I nodded slowly and stood ‘will you come up and say goodnight?’ I asked hopefully

‘No’ he said coldly ‘why on earth would I do that?’

‘Because you are my father’ I muttered quietly

‘Go to bed’

I sighed and left the room. All I wanted from Severus Snape was the same father, daughter relationship that I see my friends have with theirs…was that too much to ask? Apparently so…

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