Part 13

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‘Well…that was illuminating’ Hermione sighed as they flopped down in front of the fire in the common room.

Ron looked confused ‘it was?’

‘Well, yes’ Hermione nodded ‘We now know that the stone is protected’

‘Yeah…but we could have guessed that’ Ron rolled his eyes ‘Hagrid wasn’t much help at all’

Hermione grumbled something unintelligible and then got up and muttered ‘going to bed, see you in the morning’ and stalked off up the stairs

‘Well that’s different’ Harry sighed and nudged me ‘it’s usually you that storms off’

I glared at him ‘well I won’t let you down’ and stormed off after Hermione

‘Boys!’ Hermione blurted out as I climbed into bed

‘Yeah’ I agreed

The morning sun appeared bright and early the next day, waking me from my slumber. It wasn’t as early as I thought because I seemed to be the only one left in the dormitory and as I was sliding on my usual weekend jeans Hermione walked in.

‘Oh’ she smiled ‘good, I was just about to wake you. Harry wanted to know if you wanted a go on his broom’

Flying felt like such a rush, it was second nature to me…well, according to Ron and Harry anyway ‘of course’ I grinned

An hour later, after breakfast we were out on the Quidditch pitch. Me and Ron both borrowed school brooms whilst we waiting until it was out turn with the Nimbus, Hermione sat in the stands with a book…preferring to keep both feet on the ground.

‘Toss it to me!’ Harry shouted above the wind. We were throwing and catching a tennis ball, Ron wasn’t too great at catching but me and Harry caught all of our throws. I steadied myself on the broom and pelted the ball in the opposite direction to where Harry was hovering and watched with a smile as he raced after it. If I don’t say so myself…it was a pretty good throw.

All was good until Malfoy decided to join us; grabbing a broom and flying toward me ‘go away!’ I glared at him

‘No’ he sneered ‘it’s a free country’ and then he flew right at me…sending me flying. I don’t think he meant to knock me off my broom because as I fell, I saw his sneer turn into a look of complete horror.

I hit the ground…hard and lay in the sand waiting for my breathing to return.

Harry, Ron and Hermione all ran toward me ‘Malfoy, you are such a jerk!’ Harry shouted as Malfoy hit the floor and raced over to me

‘I didn’t mean to make her fall!’

‘Well she did!’

Hermione was the first to get to me ‘hey, you ok?’

‘I think so’ I frowned up at her ‘is my head still connected to my body because I can’t feel my feet’

Ron growled and smacked Malfoy in the face before saying ‘go make your self useful and get Madame Pomfrey!’

For once he didn’t argue, I heard his running footsteps get quieter as he raced away,

‘Can you move your fingers?’ Hermione asked

‘Um…’ I tried to move my fingers…and then my arms and then my feet ‘nope…should I be worried?’

Harry, Ron and Hermione all looked at each other nervously but said nothing, they didn’t really need too because the look on their faces said more than I needed to know.

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