Part 14

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The hospital wing doors flew open and I saw a man with black flowing robes storm in. I sighed ‘great, here comes my over protective father figure…’

‘Where is he?’ He shouted

‘Professor Snape, keep your voice down!’ Madame Pomfrey scolded ‘this is a hospital wing not a Quidditch pitch!’

Dad growled at her ‘Where is Draco?’ He asked in a calmer tone

‘Mr Malfoy is talking with the headmaster. Professor Dumbledore does not wish to be disturbed’

Dad blinked at her and then swept over to me ‘you’ he snapped ‘what happened’

I frowned at him ‘well hello to you too, I’m ok by the way you know, my spinal cord has just been severed and I can’t feel my limbs but I’m cool…what about you?’

He looked at me…evidently he didn’t know what happened ‘all I saw is Draco push you, I didn’t know that you had injured yourself’

I rolled my eyes and then yelped ‘Madame Pomfrey! My leg just twitched!’ I paused and then yelped again ‘I think it’s broken’

‘You don’t say’ Ron muttered sarcastically ‘the bone sticking out of your leg isn’t a big clue at all’

Dad growled and then snapped ‘you three, out’ they didn’t argue, I guess the look on his face seemed to scare them a little, hell, it scared me a little bit too.

‘See you later’ Harry muttered

‘Yeah, see you in a bit’ Ron smiled

Hermione smiled too and nodded ‘hope you’re ok’

‘See you later’ I smiled and watched them leave.

‘Tell me what happened’ Dad said. He didn’t pull up a chair; he just stood and stared at me like an overgrown bat.

‘You saw’ I frowned ‘Malfoy pushed me, I fell, I landed and voila…here we are’ he growled at me and frowned ‘do you need a cough sweet or something…you know, for your throat’

‘No’ he snapped but cleared his throat ‘stay away from Draco and he will stay away from you’

‘Excuse me Severus’ Madame Pomfrey ‘but can I do my job now?’

‘Yes, I need to deal with Draco’

‘But dad…’ I bit my lip and stared at him as his eyes flared and then softened ‘don’t go…it hurts’

‘Pain is good’ the matron told me ‘it means you are getting the feeling back. Now tell me when you feel something’ she started to prod me with her wand

‘Hey!’ I yelped as pain shot up my leg ‘ow!’

She smiled at me ‘I will be back in twenty minutes to give you a healing potion, you can leave in the morning’

‘Can I go now?’ Snape sighed

‘Hey’ I glared at him feeling thoroughly pissed off ‘just go if you don’t want to be here. I am sorry that I am such an inconvenience to you’

He just glared at me; rolled his eyes and pulled up a chair. Dad took my hand in his and squeezed lightly…this is the man that I love, not the overgrown bat that skulks through the school as if he owns it.

I just stared at him and as I did, I realised how much I actually miss him.

Lilliana Snape (Harry Potter Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now