Ch24 (AutoBots 🔵)

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Published 1/25/2021


I was sore, stiff, and had a pounding Headache. But alive.

I was alive?

Yes, I was very much alive.

"What happened to her doc bot?"

"*sigh* how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!"

"I can't say for sure but it appears she was hit with a missile."

............. It was quiet for a moment.

"What's with the look Ratchet?"

"It's just miraculous that she is alive. A wound like this should have killed her long ago. She's lost most of her Energon."

*ughhh ahh* a painful groan escaped my lips as my optics flickered to life.

"Impossible" a voice gasped quietly in shock as fast footsteps came closer.

A orange and white transformers appeared over me looking down at me with bright blue optics.

His figure was blurry but I knew he was an Autobot.

"W-w-where A-am I" my voice was scratchy and deep. It hurt to talk.

"Shut up. Your too weak right now. And don't you dare even think about moving or ill chain you down." his voice was very stern.

I glanced to the corner of my eyes and spotted many different Autobots standing around me.

They landed on Wheeljack who was leaning against a wall. "G-guess it's y-your turn to F-fix me up" I weakly smirked at the mech who returned it with a low chuckle.

"Didn't I say shut up" the medic bot scolded me.

I chuckled painfully. "Sorry Doc''

"just go into recharge" he sighed.

"alright... Doc Bot"I smirked up at the Autobot who gave me a horrified look while listening to laughter come from the side of us.

I slowly closed my optics as they grew heavy once more.

I was with the Autobots..... Who would have thought I'd be saved.

I wonder............ Is he worried about me?

--Back on the Decepticons ship--

"Master!" Starscream stumbled into the main room where Megatron and Predaking we're.

"Did you capture the Autobots?" Megatron glared at the screamer who had entered the room after the "Autobots" managed to get onto the ship.

"I-im sorry Master but we didn't" the screamer stuttered.

"Then why are you here" the ex gladiator growled angrily taking a few steps forward.

"Master.......its Elizabeth" Starscream finally caught the attention of Predaking who's optics widened just a fraction before becoming deadly cold.

He marched past Megatron and towered over the now shaking mech.

"Wheres Elizabeth" the dragon king growled.

Starscream had not fully thought his plan through. This beast would surely kill him.

"Dead........ The-The Autobots killed her" he whispered trembling.

A loud growl ripped through the dragon's chest as he snatched up the smaller bot by their throat lifting him into the air, Choking him.

"What" he snarled smoke practically come from his mouth as he felt his cheat heat up with flames.

"i-i-i, the-the Autbots shot her and took her body. She-she died in the hall" the smaller mech begged that the metal dragon had believed him.

With a loud snarl, Predaking threw Starscream across the room and into one of the metal walls leaving a large dent. *Crash*

The dragon ran out of the room his nose in the air looking for the scent that always stood out to him.

The smell of wildflowers, sweets. He quickly picked it up and raced down the halls taking turns after turns until he rounded one last corner.

His body went stiff at the familiar smell overtaking the entire hall. With shaking steps he moved forward, his gazes not moving from the bright blue substance on the floor, close to the side of the hall's wall where there was a noticeable large dent.

"No........" he fell to his knees beside the large pool of Energon.

" can not be" he reached out with a shaking hand and placed it in the blue substance that helped keep transformers alive.

He lifted it back and gazed down at his covered hand. His spark felt like it was shattering. That his very world was crumbling down.







The scream shook the entire ship.

It was filled with so much rage and grief.



The predacon was going on a rampage as he destroyed everything in his sight.

The one thing.

The one singular thing that brought him happiness was ripped away from him. On the same ship, he was on.

He could have protected her. Saved her!

She could still be there with him, showing him that smile that made every day worth waking up for.

Those who had taken his happiness away from him would pay.

They would all pay.

He would kill them all!

What nobody could see was the crystal tears streaming down the face of a broken mech.

Who had lost his light.
His happiness.
His spark.

He would show the Autobots the mistake they had made.

His golden optics flashed red.

"They will all die"

His femme

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