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When I woke up, I wondered where I was. How did I even get here? I had quite a headache. Must have been a hard night yesterday, but now to the question, where am I? I look around, my look raises a few eyebrows of the men around me. Where am I? And why are these all dressed in this fetish wear. They have leather strings covering less than hiding... They asked: "Are you OK now? It was a long night for you... We stayed for when you wake up." "What? But where am I?" "You're in the Black Jack Off! You and some other boys have come in yesterday, kind of drunk." "With whom? I don't remember anything!" "I don't know, light brown hair, good figure, about 1.80, with quite a thing down there." The name of the Club slowly ringed a bell in my mind. Wasn't that the gay bar, all these weirdos went to? And here am I now? FUCK! Ok, I have to try not to make this an elephant in the room, this is awkward... "Hey! Everything OK with you?" "Yeah! yeah, I guess... Can I make a call?" "Sure, come with me" I stand up, now I recognise my body, I am completely naked, just a blanked they put on me. "FUCK! Where is my clothing?" "I guess it's the last one lying around here. But you look quite good with this Adam-like wear." "Fuck don't just stare at my dick!" "Calm down, I saw you erect yesterday from before my mouth" What? What happened this night?! I blush red. "Please show me the phone now." I stood up completely, and followed one guy. He had a weird outfit, his front side was covered from his dick up to his shoulders, but his back was completely blank, just some strips holding everything together. "By the way, did you fuck a man before? You were too good to be true yesterday!" "I did what?!" "You fucked the ass you're staring on so much." I sighed. Oh my god, what just happened... At the phone, it was quite out of date, I thought who to call now, they described Leo. I best call him. "Hey Leo" "Hey, what's up man" "Do you know, where we went last night?" "Yeah, you liked it? I went pretty soon" "Could you pick me up there?" "Sure... what are you doing there?" "I just woke up, some men around me, what is this" "You wanted to go there not me" "Gosh just please come by and pick me up now, please!"

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