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Happy anniversary to all of us waanjais!!!

We all have come a long way and made a bigger family than before nomatter how many hatters came, mocked,critisized and left us.

Let's stay together for long❤❤❤❤and keep our precious mewgulf out of hate.


I led my mate to outside of the packhouse for the first time since he entered here. All this while I was too insecured with him with the constant fear of losing him. I thought may be he would get bored after sometime and leave. But I was so wrong.

My beta Tul told me that when they captured him, he didn't attack or defend himself. He just let them work up all. Still I couldn't fight my insecurities.

After hearing his confession, I was so releaved. I was so worried earlier that I even worked from home. I didn't give my full attention to the company. My co-partners were not happy about it. But they did something yesterday which angered me too much.

They told me that my bf is a distraction as I have told them that now a days I'm taking care of my bf.
I got so angry that I snapped at them. They were very pissed is the least to be told.

But they shouldn't have insulted my mate.


They even dared to threaten me that they would withdraw their partnership. I just shrugged it off. But they know well it would bring more loss to them if they cut all ties with me. It's not that my company won't go through the loss. I have made it from scratch and I would to it all over again.

I know I love my mate too much to be told. I would rip my heart out if it needed to be. He is so innocent that it scares me off sometimes. I can't always stay by his side. I can't always protect him from the evil. But I would do it the best as I can.

Good thing is that he told me to train him myself. But I don't know if it's a good thing or bad one. I mean I would love to train him but him bending over everytime to attack or defend himself gives me boner. I have to control my wolf not to grab him and mark him mine already. I don't know if I can be comfortable to let him train from anyone other than me. I'm way too jealous.

That day when my mum hugged him,I got too jealous to see him like that. I pulled him abruptly into my chest and startled everyone. Mom winked at me and left us.

It's a constant struggle for us when he is naked before us.

When we get near the forest, I told him strip out of his clothes as I did.

I told him to give access to our wolves for a while as they haven't talked to their mate all this while. It got him all tensed up but finally he nodded.

I gave acces to Asher to take the lead and have his mate all to himself.


Hey guys I'm letting you people know about the emotions of their wolf form.
Lemme know how it goes.


We sprinted over the ground while looking at each other every now and then. I'm nervous as hell to talk to my mate for the first time. He is indeed beautiful. His white fur and brown eyes can make any wolf captivated. I have to mark him otherwise anybody would want to claim my beautiful mate.

He must be starving so I decided to haunt our food first before talking.

After a while of running randomly in our grounds, I saw a big fat deer drinking beside the lake where I come once in awhile when I'm too exhausted from my life. I'm lucky to come here with my mate today.

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