chapter two

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Ryan was in all the middle class like me and took Timber, Ag and Metalwork as electives. I knew this information as I looked at the class list on the notice board noticing the addition of Ryan sweet name to the list.

After Mariah and I found out as much information as possible about this dream guy. We decided to head up towards the group who ryan was sitting with and see what he was really like.

All of a sudden I felt the weight of someone jumping on my back. I turned around to see Camerons gorgeous braces smiling right at me. Cameron was an out going sort of boy who always liked to jump on peoples backs.

" What do you want Cameron ", I questioned him.

" I want to hang with my two best buds", Cameron replied.

I tried to continue heading towards the group but Cameron kept Mariah and I back.

"Why would you want to hang with those people ", Cameron questioned Mariah and I.

"Reasons", I replied.

Mariah nooded her head agreeing to my answer to Camerons question. Cameron continuied to distract us. I started to think maybe their was a reason for Cameron not allowing to check out Ryan. Maybe Cameron knew Ryan and had bad experiences with him, although what was their not to like about him.

The bell rang for class. Great I thought. I have English, which means Ryan will have English too. I finally had the chance to speak to Ryan without Cameron there distracting me and pushing him away from Ryan.

Mariah and I headed into the Clasroom directly behind Ryan and his new friends he had made today. Mariah and I seated ourselves a row behind Ryan. I quickly went to the back page of my book and ripped a piece of paper out. I then wrote this:

Sarah Simpson:

04 56 567 890

( Blonde hair blue eyes, sitting behind you.)

Mariah King:

04 76 789 123

( Brown hair, Brown eyes, sitting next to sarah. )

I then scrunched up the piece of paper and pegged it, at Ryan's back .Ryan then turned around and smiled at Mariah and I. I nearly fainted when I saw that beautiful face up close. I then looked down at my book and began writing the work off the board. I then noticed a shadow appear upon my desk. I looked up to find my English teacher Mr Holland Sternly staring at me.

" Miss Simpson did you or did you not,  throw a piece of paper at our newest student of the class ?", Mr Holland Yelled at me.

"Um maybe", I replied nervously.

"Please speak up Miss Simpson. You know how bad my hearing is", Mr Holland said.

"Yes Sir, I did throw a piece of paper a Ryan", I replied trying to contain myself form blushing when saying Ryans name.

"Miss Simpson, you now have lunch detention with me. And for all those who want to spend time with me at lunch go a head and throw something now", Mr Holland announced to the class.

Ryan then began to laugh.

"Do you think this is funny Ryan", Mr Holland questioned him.

"Yeah a little", Ryan replied cheekilishly.

" Well Ryan you will be joining Miss Simpson at Lunch for dentention", Mr Holland said.

Yes I thought this will be my chance to get to know Ryan. It isn't the most ideal situation but it will do. For once I was actually excited for dentention at Lunch.

The moment that changed my life for everWhere stories live. Discover now