Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"All right. Firstly I would like to say a big welcome to the University of Northminster School of Business and Economics! I hope you all are enjoying your tour of the university so far. Let me begin by introducing myself; my name is Danilo Matthews, but you can just call me Dan. I am the head of the Business and Economics department and will be you tutor for this year. Here is my university email and my opening times. Any more questions? No? Very well, let's start by going around the room; tell us you name, where you are from and a little bit about yourself. You in the front can start."

Dan addresses the heavily powdered girl in the front, her hijab long, cream and expensive, her lips were dep red, contrasting well with her brown skin. She looked short, around 5 foot, he guessed. Dan surveyed her attire; Prada bag, cream Gucci scarf. Who is she trying to impress?

"Oh my days hi, my name is Sonia, I'm Bengali and I help organise charity events for my mosque sometimes."

Sonia: Oh my days I really can't be bothered with this right now. How long is this gonna be? Forget it, after this session I'm leaving. What time is it? 12.09? Oh my days this is gonna be so long! Don't worry girl, don't stress, in like 50 minutes I'm gonna meet Abdul and he's gonna look so good and his beard is gonna look so silky and we are gonna kiss, not near uni through, somewhere further away so these stuck-up boring bitches wouldn't see us, maybe somewhere central, or we could meet at a restaurant. No, that's too obvious. I dunno Abdul will have to plan it. He better look good, I didn't spend an hour on make-up or nothing! Abdul, he's a lovely guy but I need to set my sights higher. Who am I kidding? He's not as good looking as I am. People will notice, and it will be embarrassing. This is just fun, all innocent fun. Speaking of which I need to remind him to bring a condom, I don't want to abort another- Oh my days who is that? Oh my days Oh my days he so hot! He looks Mediterranean! His hair is so dark and silky like Abdul's beard, his skin is so smooth and tanned and his body oh my days his body is so fine! I wonder what underneath that tracksuit. Oh my days do I look good, I need a mirror or something! Oh my days he's not looking my way, look my way you idiot!

"Thank you, Sonia!" Dan says, smiling and crossing her name off his register. "Next," Dan gestures to the slim young woman beside her, who was a complete contrast; she was conservative in her plain black hijab, her face plain and solemn. She looks like a hard worker, he comments to himself.

"Good morning, My name is Huma, I'm from Pakistan and outside of university I help run a shelter for abused women and also provide legal aid and advice."

Huma: I really shouldn't have come here today, what I really should be doing is working and Katherine's case. Poor Katherine. A woman should not have to lose her kids to the system. In my humble opinion, forgive me Allah, but Katherine is a stupid woman. If I were in her shoes, I would have left long time ago. Father always told me to be careful; some men are devils in disguise. Father also taught me that some people are just naturally weaker than us, and it is our job to help them. Now I believe him. Bloody Greg. Yes, he didn't deserve to die, but Allah forgive me that fool had it coming. Cheat and beat on a woman like her for years and eventually she will snap, I know I would If I was in her position! But I will never be in her position because I am smarter than her by miles. Forgive me Allah, it is wrong to think that way. And the kids! I just couldn't sleep well since I began this case, me and mama. Allah, why do you give the irresponsible mothers children whilst those who are pure at heart and are faithful to you are barren? I hope all the money and time Iqra and Muhammed spends on IVF will pay off soon, inshallah- who is he? Nicholas? Did he say his name was Nicholas? Very handsome guy. Oh of course, the girl with too much make-up on her face has lustful thoughts. May Allah help her; it is stupid women like her who fall for traps like him...

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