𝑇𝑤𝑜|𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟 4

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The sorting

"im I invisible?"

  "im I invisible?"

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Carefully getting out a boat,Y/n,looked at the castle dreamly,she had seen it from the other side of the lake but it was much bigger when she was there. Along the first years and Hagrid she walked up a long staircase and they were greeted by a witch with robes and a pointy hat.

She explained the houses and the points. Afterwords they walked into the great hall. Y/n was shocked at what she saw, she had never even imagined such a strange and splendid place. It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting. These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets. At the top of the hall was another long table where the teachers were sitting.

"I shall place the sorting hat on your head and you shall be sorted into your house,but first we much sort our oldest student" she paused for a second and smiled at Y/n "who transered here this year" she signalled for the girl to come up.

She sat on the stoll and as soon as the sorting hat was placed on her head it started speaking

"Ah! A L/n am I right?" before Y/n could do anything it started speaking again "But where to put you?Hmm. Where to put you?" the hat keept muttering words that Y/n couldn't catch after a few moments of thinking the hat yelled


The Slytherin table cheered loudly as Ron,Hermione and Harry looked a bit disappointed,mostly Ron, 'I would be disappointed as well if one of my best friends wasn't in the same house and me' tought Y/n, Harry wasn't as disappointed,'not that I expect so considering we just met a few hours ago',but he still looked a bit sad she also notised that he was pretty much staring at her and they made eye concact,y/n smiled at him and he smiled for a second and quikly turned to ron and Hermione. Y/n didn't think much of it.

She notised two girls signalling for her to sit next to them so she did

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She notised two girls signalling for her to sit next to them so she did. One of them having shorter brown hair and brown eyes and the other one having dirty-blode long hair,that reached below her waist and light bue eyes which Y/n imidiatly recognised

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