Chapter 5

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"Dude, we are crushing this!" Hawk exclaimed as Miguel crossed off another obstacle from their list. It was 3 and a half hours into the race and the pair were 11/15 obstacles done. They had just finished a strength drill where they had to flip an incredibly heavy boulder and pull another gold ribbon out from underneath. They were soaring in the lead of the competition and they knew it. They had come across Sam and Demitri - their closest rivals - around a half hour ago. At that point, Miguel and Hawk had completed 11 obstacles and Sam and Demitri had completed a mere 5. If that's where Sam and Demitri were, there was no telling where the other teams were.

Suddenly, Miguel heard something. Voices. They were coming from around a quarter of a mile away. He immediately tensed up as he recognised one of the voices. He would have recognised it anywhere: it was Kyler. Hawk noticed his friend's sudden change in demeanor and he raised an eyebrow.

"Um... Miguel?" Hawk asked. Miguel quickly put a finger to his lips in a gesture to quiet his friend.

"Shut up. I heard something." Miguel whispered. "People."

Hawk rolled his eyes.

"Well, yeah. One of the other groups may be nearby." Hawk remarked, quietly. Miguel shook his head. He knew something was wrong. The woods had gone eerily quiet. The birds who were previously singing in the trees had diminished. The wind that used to be blowing a faint breeze had completely died down.

"Follow me." Miguel whispered, and the two silently tiptoed towards the noise...


"All right, guys. Listen up." Tory announced to the other three Cobras. "We know Hawk is somewhere in this quarter mile radius. He could have others with him so we need to be prepared. Kyler and Shawn, you two head in this direction..." She said, pointing in one direction of the forest. "And Robby and I will head in this direction..." She said, pointing in the other.

"Aight, let's do it. Yo, Shawn, pass me my bat from the trunk of the car." Kyler said. Shawn glared at him.

"Get it your own fucking self." Shawn glared. Kyler sighed and opened the trunk of his Jeep, taking out a metal baseball bat. Robby rolled his eyes when he saw it.

"You're such a pussy, Kyler, you know that?" Robby snapped. "You're walking into a 4 on 1 fight and you still feel the need for a baseball bat?"

Kyler shrugged.

"Win at all costs. Just like Sensei Kreese said. I just don't want another embarrassing loss. You know, like in the Larusso house. Or like you in the All-Valley final. Or like you in your relationship with Sam..."

Robby's eyes blazed with fury and he stormed over to Kyler and squared up to him, about to beat the crap out of him. Kyler started to retreat in fear - Robby was by far the best Cobra and it was stupid to try and get a rise out of him - but thankfully, Tory held Robby back before he could strike.

"Hey. Robby. Stop. Calm down." Tory urged him. After taking several deep breaths of anger, Robby slowly stepped away from a terrified Kyler.

"Mention her name one more time, and you'll regret it..." Robby growled. Kyler, almost trembling, nodded.

"Ok, guys, let's go." Tory declared. They all nodded and took off in pairs into the forest.

Robby and Tory silently crept through the trees, searching for any sign of Hawk. As Tory side glanced at Robby, she could tell he was still fuming at Kyler's remarks about Sam. She didn't blame him. Sam and Miguel had both screwed them over so hard. Sam had cheated on him, and then betrayed him when he emotionally needed her the most, dumping him for the same fucking guy who he had pulled her out of a toxic relationship with the year before.

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