Chapter 44

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Miguel had one more surprise visitor that night. After his family had all left and visiting hours were surely over, late that night, there was one more knock on his door.

"Come in!" Miguel called. In walked Sam, and she smiled at him as she saw him. Miguel smiled back.

"Hey, Miguel." She said.

"Hey, Sam." Miguel replied. There was a brief awkward silence between them, as there often was with them nowadays. Even though they were 'trying to be friends', they could never be alone together without it being pretty awkward, made more so now for Miguel after he heard what Sam had said while he was in the coma, but she didn't know that he could hear her.

"So, um... what are you doing here?" Miguel asked.

"I... um... I wanted to see if you needed anything." Sam stammered, making up a lie on the spot. Truth be told, she just wanted to see him.

"Yeah, um... everything's good. I've had these stupid tests done on me all day. So many of them are unnecessary too." Miguel said. "Like why the hell do they need to know who my first grade math teacher was? Like I get testing me for amnesia but like I didn't remember who the teacher was before the accident so I sure as hell don't remember now!"

Sam laughed.

"Awww. Are you okay?" She asked. Miguel nodded.

"Yeah, I'll live." He replied. There was another awkward silence before Sam spoke again.

"Miguel, I need to tell you something." Sam started, nervously. Here it was. She was about to tell Miguel how she felt about him, and she was nervous. She knew that he was extremely preoccupied with all of his injury stuff, but she couldn't wait any longer. The past year had taught her that life was short, and precious, and it could be taken away at any moment so they needed to savor and take advantage of the time they had.

Before she could say anything though, Miguel spoke.

"Sam, I heard what you said when I was in a coma right before I woke up." Miguel cut in. Sam's eyes widened and her heart started pounding. He knew! He knew how she felt but he hadn't said anything up until now! Was that an indicator? Did that mean that he didn't have feelings for her back?

"You... you did?" She stammered. Miguel nodded.

"Yeah, um... I heard you and Johnny talking and then you said... what you said." Miguel said, his heart racing just as fast as Sam's. "Hearing it saved my life. Literally And I... I feel the exact same way, Sam. I love you so much, and I never stopped. When I broke up with you a couple of months ago, it wasn't because I stopped loving you. In fact, it was the opposite. I loved you so much that I knew I couldn't be the person you deserved. I was too messed up."

"And you were too thick headed to realise that I could've helped you, and I would've rather been with you a fraction the amount of time than another guy all the time." Sam finished. Miguel blushed furiously and nodded.

"Yeah, and I completely understand if you don't want to date me ever again. Both times we dated, we had pretty bad breakups. It'd be in our best interests to cut the problem off at the source, right?"

"See, this is your problem, Miguel! That's an awful solution!" Sam exclaimed. "You have a really weird outlook on life! Your mind immediately goes to us just not dating at all!"

"What? Do you have a better idea?" Miguel asked.

"Of course I do! I always have a better idea than you do!" Sam remarked. Miguel raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah? Let's hear this genius idea!" He challenged her. Sam took a deep breath.

"Well, our problem is with our breakups, right? Both of us suck at breaking up with each other, and handling said breakup. So, my idea is that we get back together but this time, we don't break up."

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