Chapter V: New Allegiance

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   Professor Richard Banc's black Ford 150 pick-up stopped at the west wing of the Hotel Le Meridien. Edward looked at the passenger's window. The eight-story, two-winged modern hotel was already prepared for the auction tomorrow. Large advertisement and welcome signs were already hung, announcing to the general public Gemini's 35th  anniversary and its auction bonanza.

   At the entrance, company employees wearing the light green jumpsuits were busy unloading massive boxes containing the items up for auction. Some guests were already checking in to the hotel, most of them as agents for anonymous bidders.

   Richard slowly drove his truck, passing some parked cars to the backend of the hotel. At the hotel's back, the metal door of the employee's entrance opened, and a small Indian man in a black suit exited.

    Richard gave him two quick flashes with the truck headlight, and it caught his attention. He looked to his shoulders alternately. Finding no people around, the man quickly went towards the waiting truck. When he reached the car, he smiled, showing in the semi-lighted street his white teeth.

   "Good evening Ramesh," Richard greeted him. "This is Professor Edward. He's also from MIT, were the same department".

   Ramesh smiled as Edward handed his hand. He squeezed it and smiled even more expansive. "Ah yes, yes, you are familiar, sir," he said with his typical Tamil accent.

   Both men looked at each other, puzzled. "I saw Gemini securities briefing in the lobby, and they flashed your face in the monitor. It was from the last hotel's security footage. Then Gemini's security dragged out of the hotel – "

   "Alright, that's too much for details," Edward cut him, embarrassed. He saw Richard holding his tummy and about to burst out laughing. He frowned at him. "Yeah, funny, you want a copy?"

   Richard patted Edward's back and looked at Ramesh, who still in a cheerful mood. "You take care of him, Ramesh." He reached for the rolled 50-dollar bills in the dashboard of the truck and gave it to Ramesh.

   Ramesh wobbled his head in approval. He put the money inside his vest's pocket. "No problem, sir. I have prepared a suite for Professor Edward just as you requested." He turned to Edward and handed a chef's clothes and apron. "Professor, please wear this first."

   Puzzled, Edward gave Ramesh an asking look. "You want to be incognito," Ramesh answered and left Edward with no choice. He swiftly changed clothes in the passenger seat.

   The white chef's jacket fits Edward's cut physique. It's like a gym buff guy is going to the kitchen to serve the Serafin beauties starving. He finally hangs the apron with Le Meridien's logo on it. He gets out of the car and leans on the open window.

   "Thanks. I owe you one," Edward said.

   "Just don't get caught," Richard replied. "And ask the lady's name this time. I'm tired of you referring her as an Angelina Jolie in doll shoes."

   Edward smiled and waved at his parting friend.

   "Let's get you inside, professor," Ramesh said. The two hurriedly went to the backdoors of the hotel.


    Johnson's residence's white picket fence is already decorated by a profusion of bright and golden yellow damiana daisies. At the center of the front home is a redbud tree, where its magenta leaves staring to crumple for the coming cold weather. The fire pit near the tree is surrounded by five brown garden chairs, overlooking the vineyards usually grown on the rolling hills of El Paso, Texas.

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