Chapter VII: Into the Wall

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   Maya opened her eyes and thrown out of balance. She felt the ground trembled, and pieces of concrete splashed above her. She took cover behind Puerta De Sta Lucia of the Walled City, Intramuros, behind the gate's foundation.

   Maya checked the Alcubierre Metric Drive. It displayed the mission's specifications, including the timeline she jumped into.

                                                             Intramuros, Manila, Philippines

                                                                           February 23, 1945

              Target: Katana owned by Rear Admiral Sanji Iwabuchi, Imperial Japanese Navy

   The deafening thuds of heavy artillery shook the 14-foot-thick wall of the Spanish-origin city. Maya felt she's inside a concrete box, simultaneously pounded in every corner. With every mortar hitting the wall, her mind becoming disoriented.

   A beam of light hit Maya's peripheral view. She looked at how the light was coming and realized that the portal she went through was still opened. She ducked through and went near to check the portal.

   In front of the portal, Maya saw a black figure coming out of it. Confused, she checked the drive's input and found her name there. She lowered her eyes after it and read another line of words.

Alcubierre Metric Drive

Input: Johnson, Maya – ID Number 14678

Input: Unknown

   In horror, Maya realized that the drive detected another passenger about to respawn. As she lifted her eyes from the drive's screen, the figure of a man hit her. The force and weight of it made her gasp for breath, and both of them collapsed on the old concrete floor. She felt a heavy mass pressed above her, pinning her to the ground.


   Edward Lee nervously grabbed his chest. Did she see me? He asked himself. He hid behind the corner near the elevator. The lady in a halter dress went out of Room 609, minutes before she entered.

   He waited for two minutes before peeking again. He felt relieved when he saw the lady left, but Edward spotted something on the floor. He squinted his eyes and saw it was a green rectangular shape.

   When Edward felt he's alone on the sixth floor, he rushed into Room 609's front door. He was correct in what he thought it was, as he picked it from the floor. It was a hotel's card key – of the room in front of him. Whether the lady, who exited the room lately, purposely dropped it or not, Edward was thankful for it.

   He knew the consequences he may face for forcing himself into a room – with a woman. But Edward's desperation to find an answer is more immense than jail. He quietly swiped the card, and the door clicked opened.

   He turned the door handle and sighed. Slowly, he opened it and saw an eerie circle of light circling in front of the room's bed. Edward thought he was dreaming, but it was spoiled by cold sweat rolled on his back.

   He entered the room and walked in front of the lights. He inspected it and saw different colors mixing towards the center.

   What in the world is this?

   Suddenly, Edward felt two hands flattened on his sweaty back. Before he turned his face, the hands pushed him into the growling lights. It sucked the professor's body, squeezing it, and disappeared. That was the last thing he remembered, and all went black.

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