Chapter 13

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TW: Blood!

The morning after the quidditch game, Sunday, was very quiet and many slept in. Hermione woke up and yawned as she looked at her clock. 11 pm. She laughed at herself because she had slept in so late. As Hermione got out of bed she stepped toward the bathroom, doing her usual morning things. Brushing her teeth, washing her face, and finally, going to the bathroom. As Hermione sat on the porcelain toilet, she looked down. Her heart skipped a beat.

Red stained the inside of her underwear. Blood. Hermione sat in shock, even though she realized that this was coming, she wished it hadn't. Finally, after several minutes of trying to clean herself up, Hermione walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her wand and a new pair of undergarments. She sprinted quickly back and performed a spell, making the stain quickly dissappear.

"Scourgify" Hermione whispered quietly as she pointed her wand at her blood stained underwear. She had just removed them, and replaced them with the clean ones. Luckily, her pajama bottoms hadn't gotten stained, same with her bed. That was a relief.

Finally after some calming down and cleaning up, Hermione stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed the pads her mum had stuffed in her bag before she had come to Hogwarts. Just in case. She had told Hermione.

After she finished in the bathroom, Hermione sat on her bed, and realized something. She had actually started her period.

She was now a woman.


The End.

Okay, well this is the end of the story. I might add more from time to time but I feel like it needed to end. I dragged it on and I just kind of got bored of it. If you have any suggestions that I could add to this, feel free to comment them. Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this fanfiction!

Bye for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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