Chapter 9

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Rons POV:

His mind was racing as he slowly shut the door to the hospital, thinking about the events that just occurred. Ron knew that Hermione looked a little peaky during charms, yet he did nothing. Maybe if he would have just realized that she wasn't feeling well, he could've prevented her from passing out.

Ron looked around at the empty hallway. It was deserted and he hadn't yet fulfilled his promise to himself of skipping at least one class a month, so he waited for her. Hermione may have said that he couldn't know what happened but she couldn't stop him from worrying. He leaned against the wall, waiting and hoping that Hermione was okay.

Some time had passed and Ron was lost in thought. These thoughts were interrupted by a pair of feet running towards him.
"Ron!" Harry called out halfway down the hallway, trying to catch his breath. "Ron....I I heard! Is....Her...mione....okay?" Finally, he caught up to where Ron stood. Harry looked as if he had just ran a marathon. Ron stiffled a laugh.
"Bloody hell mate, she's fine. Your on the quidditch team, shouldn't you be in better shape?" Harry gave him a look and lightly punched his arm.
" Well never mind that, what happened to Hermione?"
" I don't really know she just passed out in charms pretty unexpectedly. I had to carry her to Maddam Pomfrey and she kicked me out a little over 20 minutes ago," Ron said, his eyebrows furrowing, "I mean she's been acting not at all like herself today. But I've been going over theories in my mind, just standing here. None of them sound right." Ron stated, looking at Harry. He looked just as confused.
"Yeah, maybe we should just wait for her to tell us mate. She seems embarrassed, you know?"
"Yeah" Ron slid down on the wall into a sitting position, bringing his legs to his chest, Harry following his lead. They both glanced at eachother and then looked back at their feet. Ron knew that whatever had happened with Hermione, she didn't want either of them to know, so he pulled out his wand. He might as well practice the spell accio since he barely paid attention during class today. The only thing he focused on was Hermione because he hated seeing one of his best friends in pain. It hurt him.

After waiting for what seemed like forever, Ron heard the small click of the door next to them, which made him and Harry jump. The huge wooden door creaked open and out stepped Hermione, her eyes wide as she did a double take at the two boys sitting in the hallway. They stared at eachother with vacant eyes, until one person spoke up.
"Hi." Hermione squeaked before running off down the hall, her brown curly locks flowing behind her.

Sorry for the cliffhanger but I'm posting another chapter tomorrow, don't worry. : )

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