Ballons of Sadness!

371 11 16

Next Morning 8AM

The morning song played and the contestants woke up. They went through their daily routines and then gathered in the living area.

"The nomination process is now going to begin. In the garden area there are balloons on both the Brains and the Brawns side. The contestants will be separated into pairs and groups of three. The groups have to discuss amongst themselves and decide one contestant whom they want to nominate. They will then pop the ballon of that person. Tanisha is of course exempt from this as she is the captain, " Bigg boss stated.

The contestants mulled over what Bigg boss said. It was basically last week's nomination process but with more groups and more contestants nominated.

"The groups are as follows: Ajaz and Armaan, Shehnaaz and Shilpa, Asim and Rashmi from the Brains side. Sid and Kushal and Hina, Shaheer and Erica, Shakti and Raghav, Shivin and Jennifer from the Brawns side." The contestants all were happy to hear the groups as they all felt that they were pretty in tuned with their partners. Most of them were also very good friends.

"However, the groups can only nominate a person who is a part of that group itself," Bigg boss continued. That shocked all of the contestants. Now none of the contestants were happy to be grouped up with their friends. They would have to discuss with their friends about which one of them should be nominated. "You have until the buzzer sound plays to discuss with your group members."

After about 40 minutes

Once the contestants heard the buzzer sound they all gathered outside. There was one ballon for each contestant exxcept for Tanisha. The ballons for all Brains side contestants were on their side and vice cersa. "One by one all groups will step forward and pop the ballon of the person they want to nominate," spoke Bigg boss.

The Brains side contestants went first. The nominated contestants from the Brains side were: Armaan, Shehnaaz and Asim. Then went the Brawns side contestants. Sid, Kushal and Hina nominated Sid, Shaheer and Erica nominated Shaheer, Raghav and Shakti nominated Raghav, Jennifer and Shivin nominated Jennifer. Once Jennifer's ballon was popped Bigg boss spoke: "This concludes this week's nomination process. The nominated contestants are: Armaan, Asim, Shehnaaz, Sid, Kushal, Jennifer, Raghav and Shaheer."

For the rest of the day some of the Brawns side contestants' mood was pretty down as each feared that their best friend might be eliminated and they would feel responsible for it as they had nominated them. However the rest of the Brawns side contestants did their best to cheer them up.

At the end of the day some contestants went to sleep with gloomy moods.



Comment the name of the person whom you want to be eliminated.


So when I came with this idea for the nomination task I thought that I would write the discussions that happened to decide who to nominate but when I tried to think of something, my brain just wouldn't work. Also as you've probably noticed I'm not very good at writing conversations or emotional moments. If I'm ever able to write the discussions then I will definately upload them.

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