get out NOW

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erets.pov after willbur said that he left i was still trying to comprehend what just happened i heard the arguing out side i went to my window to see what is happening they were fighting and i see fundy run back in i went down stairs to see if he was ok

Fundy.pov after he said i was going to be stuck in the house for LIKE 5 WEEKS i was done i rushed back inside i could here eret rushing down stairs i was crying i hugged him he rubbed circles in my back to calm me down

Erets.pov Fundy hugged me i stared to rub circles in his back i picked him up and set me and him down on the couch i felt so bad he had his nails in my back it looked like it hurt but i couldn't feel it after a couple of hours we both fell asleep.     Warning sumt?

Willburs.pov. fundy ran back inside erets house i was mad i walked back home my glasses were falling of my face i pushed them back up i went ti jshatts house i ran up stairs and banned on his door jslatts pov. Some one banged on my door i opened up to see willbur. I just woke up what do u want my eyes opened up enough to see he was crying what happened will are u ok i said why he came in he said that fundy and me got in a fight oh how i said i-i co-uldt fi-ind hi-im an-d i r-an t-o erets- castle- a-nd i saw h-im k-iis eret an- he burst out crying he was saying im sorry over and over again i said it is ok over again and again i lead him into my room and sat him down on my bed and started to cuddle him after hours past by he woke up i was reding a book on my phone willburs.pov i woke up and saw jshatt i was in his lap i got flushed. But i did have enough self condenses and kiss him he kiss me back and i hugged him why putting my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist and he pulled away to get air i looked in his eyes and kissed him again and started grinding on him o felt him get hard i bit my lip and he rubbed my waist and he took of my shirt and i did the same his hand ran up my chets his hands felt cold i liked it he push me down on his bed and said hey dumass take ur pants off no i replied what he said in a mad tone i said no do u here me? yes i do u know what fine u need a punishment ok then punish me daddy.               Hehhehehehe next chapter i wont post for about a week sorry again sorry but this was a kinda a long chapter that is the best that i could do.         519 word's

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