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Ah yes I remember it like it was yesterday, but it really wasn't. It was months ago. I woke up seeing the first few rays of sunlight enter my room. I never needed an alarm clock to wake me up. I washed my face by rubbing the face wash all around my face. I let it soak there for about 30 seconds and then it just slipped off my face and went into the drain. You see, being a water bender, I don't have to drink anything because I am already fully hydrated. When I wash my hands or my face or take a shower, I don't need to run the water. It's cool, but not normal. The thing is, I want to be normal. Like my friends Sabrina Willow and Erica. Sabrina is the smartest one in our whole school (I go to a small school), Erica is the popular one (and the prettiest), and Willow is the funniest, but also has a small temper. We all have some sort of brown hair and brown eyes, but I'm not going there. Anyway, after my morning face wash, I went upstairs to my kitchen for breakfast. I grabbed a chocolate protein shake and headed down to my room to get dressed. I put on my uniform for school. Navy blue jeans that looked a little bit like skinny jeans, a red polo and a vest. I put on miss-matched socks like everyday and slipped on my light blue converse with braided laces (which means I just kept knotting them). I brushed my hair and wore it loose. I always wear it loose unless it's gym day. The chocolate brown on the top of my head fell down to make a lighter brown and finally make a gold brown color at the tips which shone in the light. I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I grabbed my backpack and waited in the car for my foster mom Hannah to drive me. I listened to my iTunes music until Hannah finally got in the car. "You're always so early aren't you North." "Yeah I guess." I shrugged. The school is 20 minutes away from my house, and as Hannah drove, I closed my eyes and imagined me being normal. Having to drink water from a bottle everyday and taking a shower with the water crashing onto the top of my head. I want to be called Nora rather than North. I want to be human.

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