rejection part 2

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The UA entrance exam... Izuku watched as future 'heros' ran excitedly to the gates.
He has this in the bag, he thought but a nagging feeling in his chest told him otherwise. He trained hard for this and he will pass.

People gave him weird looks as he was mumbling, but still just shrugged and moved on. Izuku didn't care how others thought about him, he was used to it by now. Coming back to his more self aware self, he realised he was going to be late and rushed in.

The orientation went the same as cannon, if you don't know what happens watch the anime

"GO!!!" Mic shouted. Everyone but Izuku ran. One of the first thing he learnt well learning in the cafe is that you should Never hesitate or you will get in trouble. "THERE ARE NO  COUNTDOWNS IN REAL BATTLES GO GO GO!!!" That got everyone going. (If you're wondering why present mic is in bold its becuase hes so loud.) He had already gotten a head start, dismantling 1 3 pointer, 1 2 pointer and 3 1 pointers.

Timeskip to the massive robot (he already has all the points to pass)

"Wow, that kid with the green hair already has enough points to pass, let's see how he fairs against the 0 pointer..." Nezu said with the maniacal grin on his face. "Green hair!?! Thats the kid.." All Might said while spitting out some blood. "What kid?" Nezu said. "Well that same kid asked if a quirkless person could become a hero I said no, later he saved someone. Point is, he's quirkless!" All Might said dramatically. "Hmm that could be problematic on the schools reputation..." Nezu said while reading his file, "Oh, it says here he aced his practical, we can transfer him to general studies instead." Nezu said making himself a cup of tea to celebrate his high IQ. "Ok..." All might said, not sure of whether he should be let in the school at all after he disobeyed direct orders from 2 pro heros.

The ground started to shake and to run until he heared a scream. His inner- Midoriya kicking in he ran to the person. The robot was way to big to fight, and since he didn't know about this robot he didn't know where the electrical board was. His best bet was to save this girl right here, right now. Apparently his midnight-trianing-sessions really worked out well becuase he could lift those rocks easily.

"AAAAAAND TIMES UP!!! YOU CAN ALL HEAD BACK TO THE BRIEFING HALL WHERE YOU CAN MAKE YOUR WAY OUT!!!" Mic exclaimed, not knowing how loud he was. As he got to the hall he started muttering again about whether he would pass.

At mama Inko's house

"Izuku dear, you've been staring at that fish for 15 minutes, should I be worried honey?" A certain awesome person said. "No mom, I'm fine.."

A week later

"Izuku! Its here, the letters here!!!" Inko said so loud that she alone could rival present mic. "Ok mum, coming!" Izuku said in a unusually unhappy tone.

"Ah yes! Young Midoryia!" Boomed All Might..
"I am happy to say that you have gotten enough points in the hero exam but you will not be going to the hero course..." Izuku was confused. Why will he not be going to the hero exam?! All Might continued to speak. "Since you lack a quirk, and you disobeyed direct orders from 2 pro heros in one day, you will be transfered to general studies as you aced the tests! You will be in class 1-D!" All Might said before the recoding stopped.
"Ha-ha v-very funny...hahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wow... thats just..." Izuku wheezed. UA isn't a 'hero school' it was just a place where a bunch of sad sops become IDIOTS.
"Izuku dear are you ok, I heard you laughing?"
Izuku finally woke up from his trance and realised what he was doing. "Heh... at least i still get to be in general studies..."

WOOP WOOP second chapter done. Sorry this chapter is shorter than the last one. Anyway cya later ya bunch of noobs

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