Death and Funerals

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On the second day, villians attacked. Great security UA has. Luckily, it was class 1-A, the bullies. 2 unamed students and and their teacher, Mr. Aizawa died.

He only felt a little but of remorse for the teachers death as he WAS a hero and he did try to stop the harrasing once but it failed miserably. The only person who cared about the student had died. Great.

The earth just loved to mock him, huh? 'I should probably just end it, why bother.' One side of Midorya said, while the other convinced him so he could watch class 1-A mourn over their "beloved classmates" death. More like perverts and bullies.

Not to long after the UA had told the press an email was sent out to all of the students. This is what it said:

Dear all of UA high's beloved students,

As you may of heard from the news, there was a large scale villian attack at the USJ, Unforseen Simulation Joint, 2 of our most wonderful students Minorou Mineta and  Asui Tsuyu and our own staff member and underground hero, Shouta Aizawa has sadly passed away.
Though it may seem like their deaths will be in vain, we are very close to finding the villian organisation which named themselves 'The leuge of villians'.
In honour if their worthy sacrifices for the greater good, tommorow we will be having a funeral.
From your dearest principal, Nezu.

He really was a genius becuase the way he wrote it almost made Izuku feel remorse for their deaths. Almost. Unlike all of these pushovers, he knew the truth. They didn't give a truck about their students, they can always go get more since they are a prestigious school and all. Also they students wernt saints like he was implying. She had abused and bullied him just for something out of his hands.

Now, Izuku wasn't very religious, but he knew one thing.
God HATED Izuku Midorya.

It was 2am so Izuku went to bad, thinking about how they died and hoping it was painful.

They were supposed to be hero students, how could they just die so easily. And thr press said it was unqualified villians. Great heros they were going to make.

Timeskip brought to you by the annoying dog.

Today was the day of the funeral. Izuku was already miserable enough and how be had to go to the funeral of his bullies well deserved deaths? Great.

When his class were told to go to the Great Hall everyone seemed sad. Their eyes were puffy and red as if they had been crying a lot and they were tons of tissues on the floor. Ugh, he could had to clean it becuase earth hates him.

"We are all in deep sorrow for..." blah blah blah blah blah mourn blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah Izuku Midorya.

His name being called put him out of his trance as the principal continued. "Izuku Midorya, could you come up on stage and have a small speech." Nezu said. Who would of thought that he was the one chosen? Oh well.

He stepped up onto the stage and he started. "I just wanted to say... I don't care. Yjry could die 10, even 100 times over and I wouldn't care. They were a pervert and a bully and in my opinion they deserved to die." Izuku said, leaving class 1-A in tears and everyoje else in shock. "Im not done yet-" He was cut off by angry screams from The "hero" course and  support course and praises of victory from the General studies course and business course.

They were all thinking it at the back of ther minds, why do they have to mourn about 2 stupid "hero" course students when they were bullies and a pervert.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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