telemarketer | tom holland

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Hello. This is a courtesy call regarding your car insurance--"

Annabella immediately hung up the phone, frustrated with yet another stupid spam call. She had made every attempt to put her number not the do-not-call list but clearly it didn't work.

She groaned, as her phone began buzzing again in her lap. This time she was taking no shit. It didn't matter if this was a real person or an automated call, she was ready to go off.

Annabella (Right)
Unknown (Left)

Hi, please do me a favor and
I don't have a bloody car,
let alone car insurance
so leave me alone, please!
You lot are ruthless as shit.

Um, hello this is Tom.

Oh finally, a real person.
Hi Tom, I don't have car insurance
please put me on your do not call list.

Oh well actually, I'm not
a telemarketer. I was looking for
Rosalie? We met yesterday at the
coffee shop on Bleecker and you gave me
your number?

I-Is this not Rosalie?

Oh shit mate, this is definitely not Rosalie.
I believe you've just been wrong-numbered.

Do you think she's made a mistake
or done this intentionally...

What am I, your therapist?

R-right, sorry--

I'm only teasing.
What was your date like? Did she
seem off to you then?

No, she seemed happy to be chatting..
But I guess she did run off really fast after
giving me what I thought was her

Damn I hate to admit it but that sounds
suspicious to me Tom

Tom let out a sigh.

That really sucks... I actually thought 
I finally found someone who.....

Who what?

Liked me for me...

Are you like famous or some shit?

Annabella chuckled. But the laughter died down

when the man on the other line sighed again.

Oh so you are famous?

Yeah, kind of... 

Well I'm not going to ask whoout of respect for me now havingyour phone number, technically withoutpermission.

That's really kind of you...

Tom trailed off in the hopes of getting
this girl's name.


Lovely to meet you, 
despite the circumstances

You too Tom...Hardy?

Tom chuckled.

No! And no guessing either.

Fine, fine!

There was some shuffling on Tom's end. 
Unknown voices muffled.

Hey Annabella, I actually have to go

No worries, Tom!

It was lovely chatting with you...
Um thank you again for not thinking
I was crazy

Of course! I'm sorry you were

Hey...uh ....would it be weird if I called
you later tonight?

Annabella was silent for a moment.

Sure but I won't be a rebound from 
Rosalie ok?

Tom let out a deep laugh 

Of course not darling!
Alright, I'll speak to you later?


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