Part 1

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This story will be written in third person POV, if a chapter is in a specific character's point of view, I will state such in the beginning of said chapter.

Also, there will be some intimate scenes as the story progresses so do continue on your own accord. I will highlight them by placing a warning.

Her hair created a halo of chocolate curls around her face as she bowed her head to capture the words of the book which laid in her lap, the sun peeking through the window harshly piercing her cheek, but she didn't seem to mind. Her gorgeous face carried a look of concentration as her perfectly groomed eyebrows furrowed, and her plump, cherry red lips parted to let out a ragged breath, long lashes gracing her high cheekbones with each flutter of her hazel eyes. Eyes which always seemed to carry the same darkness beneath them as his.

He had always admired her effortless beauty. Even her fingers were perfect as her pink tongue peeked out of her mouth to gracefully lick them to aid her in turning the pages to her book. Every action was graceful, from the way she walked to the way she spoke as she called out her order to the barista. One medium coffee, black, two sugars accompanied by a croissant and iced water. She had the same thing every morning, followed by her grabbing her book of the week from her grey satchel, the next two hours being spent with her sipping, munching and reading.

Lucas swore he would talk to her one day but her beauty was intimidating. Surely someone as beautiful as she was wouldn't go for someone so...him. His insecurities would eat him alive every time he would gather the courage to talk to her resulting in sweaty palms and a head full of doubt. He was merely an average boy. Merely a freak, as the popular kids on campus would say. He didn't have any friends and his love life was just as dull. Sure, girls found him attractive but that was as far as it went. He would always have flirtatious glances thrown his way but he never understood why. Why would anyone want to date the freak who survived on coffee and adrenaline? He never tried to talk to the girls who would flirt with him, after all they would eventually end up leaving once they found out about his condition. No one would love him knowing that he could never be normal. Lucas had accepted that fact a long time ago, it didn't bother him much.

With his studies and job, he had no space for such luxuries, anyway.

So why did it make him feel so glum when he thought about never being able to pursue a friendship with her, much less, more? Why did he carry such sentiments for someone who didn't even know his name and vice versa? Sure, she was easily the most gorgeous woman he had ever came across in his 20 years of existence, but what made her different from the rest? He could already tell she would be laughing at his expense with her friends about his stupidity for even entertaining  the thought that someone of her class would ever throw him a second glance.

Even when his thoughts of self doubt would eat him alive, his eyes still found their way to her flawless face. How could a mere human like himself contain such otherworldly looks? Her face looked as if it were carefully sculpted, every feature skillfully put in place to create such bewildering personage. He thanked god that the café was always empty besides the two of them that early in the morning. That way he could admire her without judgement.

He sighed heavily before sipping his black coffee and looking away, shaking his head lightly as if to rid himself of his ridiculous thought. His own wishful thinking would be the death of him. He had to take his mind off of the girl and occupy himself.

Lucas grabbed his coffee and backpack, seeing it was time for his first lecture of the day and he took a deep breath before gathering the rest of his belongings which were laid out on the table and headed for the doors of the café.

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