Its Not True

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Riley walked into her home, dropping her stuff on the floor in the front. The emotions coming back, the pain, the anger, the..... sadness...

She stood still, shaking and letting the tears flow. She slowly looked down at her bandaged stomach.

Unwrapping it she began to cry harder, seeing the wretched words carved into her. The words he carved into her.

The girl held her head, wiping the tears away quickly.

"You can't cry, not now..."

She got into some comfy clothes. A spaghetti top with some cotton shorts and knee high socks. She sat at her island table, watching her forced recordings.

She sighed heavily when she reached a certain record, "What the hell was I thinking."

'January 28, Age: 17'

The camera turned on.

"Is it on?" Young Riley laughed, "Hey dad! I'm 17 now, I'll get to go to Harvard. Yep. I made it in!"

The unshed tears fell like the rivers of Niagara Falls.

Riley started tearing up, "I miss you daddy. I've tried so hard to ignore it. The pain, yknow. You just l-left-"

She sniffed, wiping her nose and putting on a big smile, "Mommy joined you last spring. I'm glad she's not alone anymore."

Present Riley shut the video off, slamming the tapes back into the sacred box she had wished burnt down to the ground just like her house did, with her mother inside....

The young woman wiped her tears and took a deep breath, sitting up straight and lying down in her bed. She was exhausted, but she knew the past would haunt her in her dreams.

But something, something made her fall asleep. Something made her comfortable and made her feel a system of safeness and strength.

So she cuddled into a ball and closed her eyes, hearing the song of her mother in the back of her mind. The soothing melody putting her anxious nerves at ease.

"Riley?" A quiet voice called out.

Riley jumped up, her nerves springing to life, "What the hell Lucifer?!" She whisper yelled.

The devil let out a small chuckle, he took his shoes off at the door, as well as his coat.

He shifted uncomfortably, "Um, you seem uneasy."

She sat up, patting the spot next to her, "Yeah, just, memories y'know?"

Lucifer nodded, walking over to sit next to her on the bed, "I understand.."

They stayed silent, Riley was suspiciously sitting there. Watching Lucifer closely.

"Are YOU alright?" She asked, emphasizing him.

The man sat there, slowly going to look at her.

He sighed, "That attack that happened. Wasn't an accident."

Riley looked at him in confusion, "Of course it wasn't, he got drunk and attacked me on purpose." She shrugged.

Lucifer groaned, leaning his head back and whipping it to glance at her, "Not what I meant!"

Riley laughed, punching him lightly on the shoulder before scooting closer to him and leaning her head on his broad shoulder.

She sighed heavily, "Then whose fault was it?"

"My fathers."

She furrowed her brows, "Uh, what?"

"God, you know, the big man upstairs."

Riley looked at her from the corner of her eye, "Never peaked me as the religious type."

Lucifer got up, staring down at her with slight disappointment, "You don't believe me, do you?"

The woman got ip from the bed and looked to the side then back at Lucifer, "I dont-"

"I'm the bloody devil Riley!!" He yelled out aggressively, his eyes flashing a deep red.

Riley flinched back, gasping a bit before pushing it down, "I k-know.."

"What?" He choked out, his eye brow cocked to one side.

She started breathing deeply, trying to catch her breath, "I know." She repeated, more firm and steady this time.

She closed her eyes, opening them back up.


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