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It was a peaceful sunday morning at the Yuuei dorms, nobody was screaming which was very unusual for Class 3-A but they were all here for it.

The blonde sighed as he was staring at his phone deep in thought

"Why is BakuBro sighing? He looks so..lost" Kiri asked his friends. They were spying on Bakugo because he was unusually quiet.

"Oh no- is it because I took the last limited edition gravure magazine online?" Kaminari had a guilty expression on his face. Sero smacked him in the head for that.

"What? I think its usually his reason why his head is boiling hot" Kaminari explained

"no you idiot, its obviously about y/n" Mina told Kaminari who was rubbing his head while wincing.

"y/n? I thought they were okay a few days ago?" Sero asked, confused.

"Its probably about y/n, look at that frown on his face" Kirishima said pointing at Bakugo. The three nodded in agreement.

The blonde at the kitchen counter finally noticed them, he got mad right away. He stood up but before he could scream at them a phone rang.


"OFF-LIMITS?" Mina read the contact name, the three of them staring at Sero confused.

"eh? Sero you have a girlfriend now? Not fair" Kaminari whined at his friend.

"No" Sero denied as he picked up the call,
"y/n?" He said through the phone and got confused when it echoed.

"Yo" it echoed again which made Sero, both the Bakusquad and the Bakugo himself who was eavesdropping confused.

There was a sudden knock on the door, everyone in the room quickly adverted there eyes there.

"Y/N?" The BakuSquad including Bakugo yelled in shock, the others were confused, staring at the h/c girl at the door.

The h/c girl ended the call

"Hi bitches its mwah- the one and only prettiest little shit there is, y/n" she sent fkying kisses everywhere and bowed to make it seem-more weird i guess?

"W-what the fuck are you doing here?" Bakugo mustered up the courage to ask her that but she just stared at him, emotionless instead of replying to him she dropped her bags and ran to the BakuSquad.

"MINAAAA MY WIFEY! KIRI! DENKI U PERV! SERO TAPE DADDAE!" she yelled as she pulled them into a tight group hug.

The blonde started at them, mouth agape.
He couldn't believe you ignored him. You ignored the Bakugo Katsuki, the future number one hero.

Ehe- two*

"W-why--" The blonde got cut off once again

"I told ya'll I'm transferring" you said happily as you talked to his friends.

He felt- The blonde huffed and stormed out of the common room to run to his room, immediately plopping down his bed angrily as he hugged a pillow agressively.

"why the fuck was she ignoring me?" he asked himself as he stared at the wall.

"Eh? Where's BakuBro?" Kiri asked as he looked around

"Did he-?" Sero asked, not bothering to finish his sentence.

"Told ya'll it was about the gravure magazines" Kaminari said as he nodded his head feeling like a genius until Kirishima, Mina and Sero smacked his head at the same time.

"y/n did you two fought?" Mina asked you as she held your hands.

"No" you denied, shaking your head.

"i smell cap" you looked at the bi-colored male that was meters away from you, he was sitting comfortably in the sofa eating his soba peacefully. But nobody seemed to notice what he said.

So he's actually the gossip type huh?

"What was that y/n?" Kaminari asked as he led you to the kitchen, persuading you for a snack.

Oh i said it outloud? "It was nothing" he brushed it off as he tossed you some chips.

"Oh fuck- I just remembered I'm moving in today" you muttered as you crankily munched on the chips.

"Want me to help you?" Kirishima asked like the gentleman he was.

"I'll help!" Mina yelled as she raised her arm as a sign of volunteering.

"Fuck the magazines, im also gonna help" Kaminari said as he yeeted his magazine aimlessly.

"I've got nothing to do anyways" Sero shrugged.

"So its settled then- we'll help y/n move in!" Mina yelled.

"Bitch why'd you're luggage gotta be so fat and juicy?" Mina said as she layed down in your bed out of exhaustion.

"My babies needed to come with me" you explained as you pointed out the nendroids and figurines that was already displayed on your shelves.

Kirishima and Sero already left, Kiri said he'll check up on Bakugo while Sero was going to practice-

"Hey y/n you're rich right? You got nendroids and all but im your buddy! We should share or take turns!" Kaminari tried to persuade you as he pointed at your Mai-san wearing her bunny girl outfit figurine desperately.

"C'mon bro-" he whined

"She's taken" you flopped down in your bed with Mina.

"Hey Denki, we're gonna have girl talk so get going" Mina said as she rolled her eyes, shifting in your bed so she could sit comfortably

"Eh? Girl talk? Count me in ladies" he enthusiactically said as he sat on the floor in front of us.

"Dont be shy spill the tea" Kaminari looked at us eargerly, me and Mina were staring at him weirdly. "Nothing?" Really? Nothing?" He sighed as he fixed his position.

"So- y/n why'd you transfer here so late? We're 3rd years now" he asked, arms crossed , patiently waiting for an answer

"Are you investigating me or sum?" You eyed him.

"Just answer the dang question" he sassily replied.

"Lmao, i felt like it" you shrugged not really caring if you said LMAO at an actual conversation.

"Oh! I know! What's the score between you and bakugo?" Mina asked, both her and Denki stared at you, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"Its nothing" you responded coldly

ur mf'ing cute af if you vote

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