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The sound of your phone woke you up. You placed your hand on the top of your drawer, lazily getting you phone and picked up the call.

"Hm?" You groggily answered, still half asleep.

"Hi y/n-chan! Just wanted to say that your ugly as fuck and have a bad morning! Love you!" The person on the other line yelled and ended the call.

You groaned out of sleepiness

"Fuck you Akabane" you muttered as you got out of bed.

"What the--its 6 in the morning?" You groaned, you should've checked the time in the first place.

You went downstairs to make breakfast for yourself and yourself only, there's no way you would make breakfast for 20 people this early.

As you were waiting for your microwaved mac n cheese to be done, you spotted a figure outside. You went near the open door to take a closer look.

Your nose almost bled at the sight in front of you. It was the tall cranky blonde training, wearing his ever so famous black tank top that perfectly hugged his figure along with grey sweatpants.

"Babe stop drooling" you were staring too much, deep in thought as you didn't notice he stopped training and went inside.

"I am certainly not drooling over you good sir" you spat out unconsciously making the blonde laugh out loud. Your cheeks heat up in embarrassment

Wait--wasn't I supposed to ignore him-?

The blonde walked inside the kitchen, grabbing a milk carton and drank it, not bothering to atleast put it in a cup.

Then he shamelessly took off his tank top in font of you, knowing too damn well that you were affected by his actions.

He also wore an apron which made him more attractive than he already is, and he knows that

You shook your thoughts away, you were supposed to dislike this guy but your eyes were betraying you.

"We're having eggs and bacon for breakfast but babe, mac n cheese? This early? You're too fucking unhealthy" he scolded you, arms crossed, shaking his head as he looked at the microwave

Your eyes widened at the sudden realization that your mac n cheese was already done. You pulled out the bowl immediately letting go of it causing you to yelp in pain.

Bakugo immediately rushed to your side.
"You're still an idiot" he muttered as he gently pressed an ice pack on your hands.

You snapped back to reality, "You do know I hate you right?" You saud coldly while staring at his crimson locks. He chuckled

"Baby you might say you hate me but we both know you mean otherwise" he stared back at you, cupping your cheeks making you pout.

"Bakugo! Ayo! what's for breakfa--" Kaminari suddenly appeared, he was staring at you both in a meaningful stare.

"Discount Pikachu what's the hold up?" Mina said as the rest of bakusquad came in.

You immediately pulled away from shock, avoiding gazes.

"FUCK OFF EXTRAS!" Bakugo yelled as he gently shove you away and went back to cooking.

"y/n! You sly bitch! We need to have another girl meeting later!" Mina squealed excitedly.

"Never knew Bakubro had it in him" Kirishima said as he placed a arm on bakugo's shoulder.

"You two didn't kiss?" Sero asked shaking his head, disappointed. He was behind you, he was making you his shield since Bakugo was glaring at him.

"Atleast they weren't caught fucking--" Kaminari said which earned multiple smacks in the head from the four of us.

"DUNCE FACE I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU" Bakugo barked as he raised his spatula at him.

Kaminari immediately went behind you, pushing Sero out of the way.

"y/n! Your boyfriend's gonna kill me!" Kaminari yelled as he stuffed his fave on you back, hiding. It almost looks like he's back hugging you.

Bakugo lit up sparks on his hands and had a murderous look on his. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER DUNCE FALL OR ELSE IM GONNA FUCKING BLAST YOU OFF!" Bakugo threatened making Kaminari's hold on your t-shirt tightened.

"No" Kaminari shook his head in fear, his head still on your back.



"go bakugo!"

"sorry dude, he's pissed off and its on you" you shook your head. Kaminari ran and screamed like a little girl while being chased by the angry pomeranian.

poor kaminari


neways ur mf'in cute if u vote<3

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