Chapter 6:

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I woke up quite early this morning despite going to bed around 1am and noticed Jade and Cali were awake to, "hey guys?" I questioned "yeah" they both responded "wanna go piss of Draco and Blaise" I asked "I'll get a two buckets of water" Jade replied with a big grin on her face "I'll help" Cali said "I'll find a spell" I said, Cali and Jade went into the Bathroom and I checked our spell books, I had the perfect idea.

Draco's POV

I woke up to the sound of wind howling as did Blaise, we both looked towards the window and noticed it was closed, we then looked at each other confused, the door handle then began to shake and the door creaked open, but nothing was there.

Suddenly a cloud of black smoke appeared and I could not see anything at all the cloud disappeared and Jade was standing over me and Cali over Blaise. They tipped loads of water out of buckets onto our heads, Cali and Jade started laughing and y/n walked through the door also laughing her head off.

"It's 5 in the morning WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO DO THIS" I snapped at them wiping the water out of my eyes "because we are your friends Draco, we live to annoy you" Jade says "clearly" I respond "you look like a wet ferret, I should turn you into one" y/n say laughing with Jade and Cali, Blaise and i joined in with laughing then promptly kicked them out of our dorm so we could get changed.


Since the boys were getting ready and Jade, Cali and I were basically the only other people in our house awake we were just relaxing in the common room on the floor by the fire, we were talking about the party and decided that after school we were going to sneak out to Hogsmede before dinner and the triwzard champion reveal and get some new dresses.

Mattheo walked past us gave me a glare but kept walking straight out of the common room "I wonder why Riddle doesn't want me going to the party" I asked them "probably doesn't want another guy looking at you shaking your thang" Jade said making the three of us laugh "I wonder why he even cares though" I said confused "he likes you y/n, he hasn't been able to take his eyes of you since he walked into the hall on the first day" Cali answered "you think so" I asked looking down to my lap starting to blush "I know so" Cali answered making me blush more.

"But do you like him?" Cali asked, "obviously she likes him she's turning redder than a tomato at the mention of his name" Jade answered for me I picked up a pillow off the couch and threw it at her, though she was right I guess I did like him, but there is no denying that he annoys the crap out of me.

"Alright stop your blabbering and let's go get some breakfast" Draco said coming down the stairs with Blaise. Jade, Cali and I stand up and the five of us walk out of the common room and start walking to the Hall.

As we turned a corner I heard some Ravenclaws mention my name and I wanted to listen in "I would smash her without consent" one boys said and I as soon I heard the boy say this my facial expression. Instantly changed from curiosity to disgust. Blaise and Draco were about to confront them when we saw Mattheo walk up to them.

Mattheo's POV

As I was walking through the hallway on my way to the great hall after just passing Y/n and her friends in the common room I saw some boys laughing, I believe they are Ravenclaws "dude that y/n girl these we saw yesterday, she was so hot I definitely would smash without consent" one boy said and they all laughed "how are you even in ravenclaw bro" another said they laughed again.

I felt my blood begin to boil and my fist clench at the words that they were saying, I couldn't control it, anger built up inside me and before I know it I started walking over the the boy who said the first thing. "R-Riddle how c-can I-i help you?" He said clearly afraid of me but I was not fixated on that I was more focused of the burning rage that appeared when he talked about y/n.

My fist clenched tighter as he talked to me, I was so angry, I felt so possessive over her and hearing someone else talk about her like that. My jaw clenched and I swung my fist into his face knocking him down instantly I climbed on top of him and started hitting him more, I saw his friends run away in the corner of my eye. cowards I thought as I kept laying punches on the Ravenclaw.


From the angle we were in we could only hear what was going on but not see, suddenly I heard a punch being thrown and saw the some boys run away but there were still punches and grunts of pain sounding so I decided to run out and I saw Mattheo basically sitting on top of another boy throwing punches. He stops punching and drags the Ravenclaw up with him "you won't ever talk about y/n that way again, got it?" Mattheo asked, I was shocked, he was protecting me?

"Or what" the Ravenclaw asked and Matheo dropped him to the ground and started punching him again, I needed to do something.

Mattheo's POV

I punched him harder this time, how dare he challenge me, I then felt a small soft hand on my shoulder "Mattheo calm down please, he's not worth it" her voice said and I recognised who it was, I stood up and turned around to face her but I did not meet her eyes looking down at the floor, anger still flowing through my body and my fists still clenched, I felt her soft hands wrap around both my fists making me unclench, I looked to her eyes and as soon as I met her beautiful green eyes I calmed down more, I could no longer hear my heart beating loudly in my ears and my body un-tensed.

It felt as though it was just the two of us alone, though her friends were behind her watching my every move. She brought my hands up closer to her face and looked at the bruises on my knuckles gently stroking over them with her fingers.

"Why did you fight him Mattheo?" She asked lowering my hands, her eyes meeting mine again. "I think you know why" I said shrugging my shoulders "you shouldn't have done that" she said her voice still calm clearly trying to keep me calm too.

"I have to go get some breakfast" she said frowning slightly "but since you've helped me before I can help you if you want?" Moving her eyes to the floor, "I'd rather not be around you" I said, though it pains me to say and to see the hurt in her soft green eyes as they flickered up to look at me "I hate your bipolar ass Mattheo" she spat out at me. Cali and Jade came up behind her and pulled her away from me "I'm going to turn you into a toad Mattheo" Cali shouted at me as the five of them walked away. Every time I push her away it hurts me, I don't know how long I can keep it up.

I swear if Cedric actually tries something with her, I'm going to make her mine, no one touches what's mine.


I made it into the hall with Jade and Cali on either side of me and Draco and Blaise walking behind us, it hurt, it really hurt, I don't understand him one minute he was beating up some boy for just talking bad about me and the next he is telling me he doesn't want to be around me.

"You know what you should do" Blaise says whilst we sit down in the great hall Cali on my left, Jade on my right and Draco and Blaise opposite us, "what should I do Blaise?" I ask whilst letting out an exhausted sigh.

"Well Mattheo obviously likes you he's just being a prick about it, and I assume you girls are gonna big new dresses for the party, because you're girls, so you should buy the sexiest dress there is" Blaise stated like it was obvious "oooh yes he's right, we'll make you look really sexy" Cali says.

I turn to Jade as she has been awfully quiet and see she's has turned around, I too turn around to see she is looking at one of the weasley twins "looking at Georgie are we?" I ask and she giggles "looks like he's looking at you as well" she giggles again "hold on I'm going to embarrass you real quick" I say getting up from the slytherin table and walking over to George.

"I see you've been eyeing my friend" I say "yeah maybe, she's quite beautiful" George replies "Jades made him go soft and he's barely spoken one word to her" Fred laughs and I join in "so you like her then" I ask George "yeah but I don't know if she likes me" he replies "come to the slytherin party tomorrow,  Cali and I will get you two set up" I say "I'll help too" Fred states "ok I will" George responds.

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