Chapter 16:

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I woke up on Mattheo's bed my back to his chest and his arm wrapped around me keeping me close, "we have to go back princess, get changed" he mumbles "ok" I respond getting up, I walk into the bathroom and pick my clothes up of the floor putting them back on, I walk back out and see Mattheo dressed as well "ready to go princess?" He asks holding his arm out for me to take, I nod and link my arm with his and we apparate back to his dorm.

He looks down at me and says "you're so fucking perfect" making me blush, "you're not to bad yourself" I say with a smile on my face, he leans down and kisses me on the lips then pulls away, "I'm hungry" I say "I bet you are" he responds and we begin walking down to the great hall.

"Took you guys long enough" Cali says standing up from her seat next to Blaise to hug me, "can I kiss you, i wanna see what the boys would do" Cali whispers into my ear, "go for it, make it look passionate" I whisper in response, she places her hands on my cheek and I do the same to her we both lock lips and kiss, making it seem as passionate as possible.

"For fucks sake" I hear Mattheo sigh "Cali get off my girlfriend" Mattheo continues "she's my girlfriend now bitch" Cali says planting a kiss on my cheek, Jade stands up and begins kissing Cali "what the hell" Blaise and George say at the same Time making the three of us laugh "didn't we mention we're a thruple now" I laugh out.

Mattheo grabs my waist and pulls me to sit on his lap George and Blaise do the same to their girlfriends "I say we tickle them" Blaise says to Mattheo and George, Mattheo grips wraps an arm around my waist tightly securing me in place and with the free hand he began tickling my stomach, I couldn't stop laughing "stop Mattheo i need to eat" he stops but George and Blaise continue tickling Jade and Cali I pick up two slices of toast and eat it watching Cali and Jade squirm on her boyfriends lap, George picks Jade up effortlessly and carried her out of the hall and Blaise just kisses Cali knowing that if he tickled her for longer he would probably have blue hair...again.

The bell rings and dismisses us to go to our next classes, most of my classes were boring and my final class was potions with Mattheo and Cedick, I arrived at potions, Snape had told me that our group had been moved to the back of the class instead of sitting at the front, so I walked over and sat on the right chair at the back right table, Mattheo entered in after  I sat down and came over to me "is this our new spot?" He asked and I nodded.

He sat in the middle seat so he was right next to me,
Snape began explains the potion "I'm making it" I say eagerly "no" "yes" "no" "shut up Theo I'm making it" I say "you'll regret it" he says leaning back into his chair as I get up to go gather the ingredients, after I collect the things I come back to the desk, Mattheo clearly still pissed that I wouldn't let him make a potion.

Mattheo's POV

I watched her delicate hands as she started chopping ingredients and placing them into the cauldron, I told her she would regret not letting me make the potion so I had to do something, a thought came to mind and I moved my chair closer to her trailing my right hand up her left leg, feeling her shiver at my touch, she glared down at me "not in the classroom Mattheo" she said and I gave her a small smirk as she turned her attention back to the potion.

I moved my hand further up until I felt her underwear, moved it to the side and she slightly shuffled clearly trying to get me to stop without drawing attention to us, I stand up behind her and start massaging her clit "so wet for me already, I've barely touched you" I whisper to her "Mattheo" she says sternly and I smirk again.

I push one finger slowly inside of her, going in and out, I hear her whimper and I put another inside of her she starts swallowing hard and her breathing gets faster "I can feel your heartbeat" I say as her pussy begins to throb she inhaled sharply and looks at me I can tell she is about to release but I said I would punish her.


I feel my walls begin tighten and I knew I was about to release but before I could Mattheo removed his fingers, then brings them up to his mouth licking them, I was annoyed at him for figuring me in class but more annoyed that he didn't let me finish. "I hate you" I whispered as he sat back down "sorry not sorry princess" he says.

Somehow I managed to finish the potion without blowing something up, and since I was the first finished Snape let Mattheo and I leave first, we headed up to the common room and he kept reaching for my hand but I pushed it away, some boys noticed I was pushing his hand away "if you don't want him we'll gladly fuck you y/n" one of the boys said.

I looked to Mattheo and I could see anger swirling in his eyes "Mattheo don-" i was cut off by him punching the boy, I tried pulling his shoulder to get him to keep walking "if you ever look at her like that again you'll be dead" he said before getting up and putting his hand on my lower back pushing me along, "Pureblood" I whispered as we got to the common room.

I sat down on a couch and he sat next to me so I moved over to a different chair "don't be mad at me for punching someone" he said "I'm not" I responded "oh is this about not letting you finish, come here princess" he commanded and I obliged walking over to him and lying down with my feet on his lap.

He moved my legs so that they rest on his shoulders and he comes closer leaning down so he is level with my pussy, "Mattheo we're in the common room" I say "don't care" he says before moving my underwear out of the way and licking up and down my clit before pushing his tongue inside of me, I grip onto the couch with one of my hands and hold onto his hair with the other.

His tongue swirls around inside of me "f-fuck" I say as I tilt my head back releasing into his mouth, he pulls away and I watch him swallow my cum "better?" He asks and I nod in response. The bell rings and Mattheo helps me to my feet and we walk to dinner, I felt his hand hold mine tighter than usual and he looked slightly nervous, we took a seat next to our friends.

I leaned close to Mattheo "what's wrong?" I asked studying his face "nothing beautiful, just eat ok" he said nodding fast.

Maybe he was just having an off day "I'll be back" he said and I nodded watching him head to the corridor outside the hall, I was about to get up and follow him but all of the windows suddenly shattered and streams of black smoke flew around everywhere death eaters landing one had a wand aimed at Cali so I ran in front of her "girls" the death eater sighed.

"crucio!" the death eater shouted at me I inhaled sharply feeling a familiar feeling hit me it felt like weights had landed on my chest I could hear my heartbeat in my head the pace quickening as I fell to the ground, it felt like knives were being stabbed into me everywhere, my whole body was trembling and I couldn't help but scream.

Mattheo's POV

I saw y/n on the floor screaming and a death eater pointing their wand at her I run over to her "enough" I shouted at the death eater I cared not to learn their names though I had met this man before, the spell stopped and y/n's breathing was faint, I kneeled next to y/n holding her shaking body next to mine, I moved her hair away from her neck putting the mark I had given her on display "I marked her, you will not harm her" I shouted and the death eater nodded and backed away.

Dumbledore casted a spell and the death eaters were scared away, I felt y/n's body relax and I knew she had passed out so I apparated us back to the Riddle manor and laid her down on my bed.

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