-the night it all started-

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  "Halt! "

I smirked at their weak attempts of stopping me. No one can stop me.

"Johnathan Daily, stop where you are, hands in the air and face us! " One of them commanded.

I growled lowly at the name. That was NOT my name.

A wide smirk played across my lips as I realized something, they were playing my game, they moved their pawns, it was my turn.

I stopped where I stood, slowly putting my hands in the air. I could hear them approaching me. When they got close enough, I attacked.

I spun around quickly, connecting my fist with the one standing directly behind me, dodging another fist I jumped, doing a cool backflip above them.

I stuck my hand out, grabbing a fist of  hair as I went, dragging him to the floor.

I couldn't contain the toothy smile that displayed itself across my lips as I jumped down on top of him, smashing his windpipe.

A large growl echoed throughout the clearing.

"Johnathan." He growled, his eyes glowing red in the pale moon light.

"If you're going to say my name, atleast say the one I prefer. " I deadpanned before a fist connected with my jaw.

I fell to the floor, rolling a little.

I looked over just in time to see a boot coming towards my abdomen, quickly rolling out of the way I jumped up, my foot finding his crotch.

I heard bones cracking as two of them shifted. The one that I kicked in the jewels not yet recovered and the one that I landed on still lying on the ground.

They bared their teeth at me, getting in an attacking stance.

"Pussy's." I growled at them.

Suddenly, I was on the ground, a heavy body on top of mine.

"That wasn't a very fair shot, was it now? " I asked, my anger shooting through my words.

"Shut up. " He growled.

I wiggled and thrashed as they put handcuffs on.

You really think I was going to give up that easily? Pfft. Not me.

I threw my head back, hitting the guy square in the nose. He wabbled backwards as I jumped and kicked him, falling to the ground as I did so.

I took off running, hearing their paws thumping on the ground behind me. I swerved through the trees and around rocks, but it was no use, all six of them had shifted and were pouncing on me.

They rolled me on my back as they took turns shifting back and throwing on a pair of shorts.

"So you're the famous Johnathan Daily, huh? " The one that I hit in the nose said.

"Nope, you have the wrong guy. " I replied sarcastically.

"But seriously, that's not my name. " I said with a dangerous tone.

"You are in funny place to be making demands. " The one that I hit in the crotch stated.

I rolled my eyes. "I am? It took you 3 years to catch me, 2 to even learn my identity. " I scoffed.

The one that was holding me down punched me in the face.

"That wasn't very nice. " I stated as blood started pouring from my probably broken nose.

He rolled his eyes. "You know, it took all six of you to take me down. If I wanted I could've killed all of you. " I spoke in a cheery voice.

"Pfft. As if. " One of them stated.

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